Chapter 3

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I had gotten up early remembering an idea I had got before. After getting ready and making breakfast for myself I sat at my study table deep in thought with a blank book in front of me and a pencil.

"What time did you get up?" My mom asked yawning still half asleep

"Pretty early, go back to sleep I'll get Rose up and ready in no time" I said as she nodded and trudged off to bed.

I gave up on trying to do anything with the book and decided to wake my sister up though there were still fifteen minutes left for her usual wake up time. I went into her room and noticed her bed sheets were messed up but the bed was empty.....the wave of panic that washed over me was unbearable I ran downstairs and searched around the house but couldn't find her. It was then that I noticed there were smoke in the kitchen I ran in using the back door. I saw that the stove was on and there were something on the stove which had burnt and was beyond recognition. I switched off the gas and poured a whole jug of water on Rose.

"Aaaaaaaaah!!" She screamed swatting at thin air.

"Evelyn, Rose what happened?!" My parents came rushing down apparently Rose had disturbed their peaceful slumber.

"What in the world of Hades happened here!!" My dad shouted,now wide awake. "Would somebody answer me?!"

"Daddy I was making breakfast for you both" she said innocently. "Evelyn where were you when she switched in the stove?! I expected you to be more mature! He shouts.

"But daaad!! I whined stamping my foot. "No buts,your grounded for a week"he said.

I went up to the room and got dressed,I slammed the front door extra hard to emphasize that I was still angry.

I was at my locker when Cameron showed up leaning on the locker next to mine.

"Hey,wanna walk to class together" he asked while fidgeting with his sweat shirt's hem.

Me being the bitch I am slammed the locker door and turned towards him deep in thought and still pissed.

"Woah, someone woke up one the wrong side of the bed!" He said with wide eyes and brows knitted together in annoyance. Even annoyed he looked cute.

I snapped back to the real world and realized that I was looking at a blank space in front of me. While I was busy in thought Cameron had decided to walk away...I ran up to him and held his arm,he was clearly surprised when I spun him around and so was I.

"Umm....sorry, I didn't mean to annoy you", I say my cheeks going a deep red as let go of his arm and turn on my heels to get away from him. As i'm headed off to English class I hear my name being called.

"Evelyn, wait up!", I turn around to find that the source of the voice is none other than my second best friend Amber.

"Omg!! Its been only a week since I saw you and yet it feels like forever" I shriek after giving her a bear hug.

Amber unlike Megan and me is an ultimate tom boy,her definition of fashion is sweat shirts,jeans and sneakers. But the way she dresses does not affect the way she looks which is a very good plus point. She has sharp features....a straight nose,pink lips which give the most comforting smile and crystal blue eyes which give out a strange sharpness when she is trying to make you confess.

"How was Venice?" I asked , "It was terrific!" She said her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Hey, I'm sorry but I have to head off to to English up during lunch?"I asked, "sure, no prob" she said. We hugged once more and I was headed to English class all my thoughts jumbled.

Pull Me Throughजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें