"Jay don't be offering to teach you?" Chris asked me.

"I haven't asked him," I said. "Plus he's a quarterback I already know his teaching methods would be harsh."

"You're just sensitive as hell, Amore. You hate when people talk to you with any sort of authority in your voice."

"Oh shut up. Speaking of talking what do guys even talk about in the locker rooms?" I decided to pull over then I turned the car off and looked at Chris.

"Guy talk," he stated simply.

I rolled my eyes.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Why are you suddenly so interested?"

"What does Jay usually talk about?"

"School, the coaches, girls."

"He talks about other girls?"

Chris paused and shook his head.

"No I didn't mean it like that," he said. "I mean he talks about you sometimes or if we're talking about other girls he'll give his opinion on them."

"What about his ex? He ever mention her?"

"Ah, so that's what this is about. You could've just asked that from the jump."

I flicked his forehead.

"Just answer the question stop being annoying," I whined.

Chris flicked me back.

"He only mentioned her one time and it's because I asked him about her," Chris said. "This was when you guys first started hanging out. I wanted to make sure he wasn't an asshole and would treat you right."

I smiled. We may get on each other's nerves but he really was a good brother. Sometimes his protectiveness was for my own good and I had to respect him for that.

"I asked him why they broke up," Chris said.

"And what reason did he give?" I asked.

"Said they always argued and she broke up with him."

"Oh so she broke it off? That's interesting."

"Yeah. Have you guys argued yet?"

I lied and shook my head.

"We'll bicker but nothing worth yelling about," I said.

"Good keep it that way or else I'll be forced to kick his ass," Chris said.

"I hope it never has to come to that," I said.

Chris unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door.

"Come on, I'll drive us to get some tacos," he said.

I got out of the drivers seat and moved to the passengers side.

"You're paying right?" I asked.

"Shit, youre one with the fancy job now," Chris said.

I flipped my hair.

"Get on my level."

Chris laughed and drove off. We ended up at small Mexican restaurant. For a Sunday it wasn't that packed. I spotted a group of girls sitting at a table in the corner and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe it, Jay's ex was literally sitting right there.

"Amore?" Chris said.

I jumped slightly losing my train of thought. I had been staring at her.

"What're you getting?" Chris asked me.

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