十八 just wondering

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"What was it like growing up with Seungkwan?" Vernon asks, sipping on his drink as he looked at the girl with sparkling eyes. "I'm sure he was just as chaotic as he is now."

"Well, you're not wrong there," she responds, letting out a soft laugh. "He was literally so wild as a kid, Minhee and I could barely keep up with him. Which is saying something for me, seeing as I am equally as chaotic. There was this one time I used ketchup on him to reenact that one Lion King scene, yeah I ended up being chased around the house for a good ten minutes."

"Ten minutes?" He questions, chuckling. "How were you able to run for that long?"

"I had great stamina for a child," she jokes, smiling cheekily. "He finally caught up to me and drop kicked me. Minhee recorded the whole thing on my dad's phone and laughed at us."

"You guys seem chaotic," he comments, ruffling up her hair. "What about your other friends? All of your newer ones, like the celebrities?"

"Oh, I could just go on and on and on," she starts, sighing. "I became friends with the groups in JYP first, of course, but it expanded from there. I mean, I'm supposed to hangout with the Wooga squad sometime next month. Taehyung said I haven't spent a lot of time with him lately and that his friends wanted to meet me."

"The Park Seojoon wants to meet you?" Vernon asks, eyes going wide as she nods in excitement. "That's an accomplishment, truly."

"I know, it truly is. He's ten years older than me, but I would still do anything for that handsome, handsome man," she lets out. "Taehyung will probably kill me for saying that, but I don't care. Hyungsik is a bit younger, maybe he'd be a better choice."

"Do you really like older guys that much?" Vernon questions, shaking his head. "It's not surprising, really. It seems like your type."

"You're only saying that because I've dated Jimin, but I really don't care," she tells him, shrugging. "I'd date anyone, it doesn't really matter for me. As long as I like them and they treat me right, it's fine."

"But in the group chat, you said you weren't thinking of dating right now," he states, pouting. "So I'm sure even if someone treated you like that right now, it wouldn't matter."

"You're too cute," she responds, ruffling his hair up. "I wouldn't like someone first, is all I'm saying. If they showed interest in me, then maybe."

Vernon's face lit up, the smile on his face getting brighter. "You really would?" He questions, earning a nod in response. "Okay, just wondering."

okay but play by chungha??
iconic 🤩
she puts so much spotlight on her dancers and she is truly just so amazing

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