Chapter 5

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A week has passed and I am back at Spencer's class. I had to miss the last class due to being stuck in the office. The Eye had left me with a lot of paperwork to complete and since I don't want to appear too smart, I purposely took my time to complete them. 

I've been without sleep trying to do research for the company so I had to hire a makeup artist to do my makeup for class today. I was so exhausted and I knew that showing up without makeup would raise alarms seeing as I already missed a class.

I don't want to be asked any questions.

"Hey Valentine." I blink twice as I hear my name being called. "Valentine." 

I turn back in my seat to see an African American college student staring down at me with a smile on her face.

"Do you need something?" I ask in a passive tone. 

"I just wanted to say that you look great." I offer her a fake smile. "We should hang out after class, I would love to get to know you."

No thanks. "I'm busy today but tomorrow should be fine."

"That's dope, let's exchange numbers." I inwardly roll my eyes as I exchange numbers with her. Once I turn back to face the front, Spencer walks into the room and I put my phone away.

I hear somebody trying to call out my name but I turn around and shoot them a deadly glare. The girls eyes widen before she apologises and looks away.

That should teach people to not disturb me.


After the lesson, I went to the Smells like Coffee to get myself a black coffee before driving to the BAU. 

Knowing that Spencer is set to arrive in ten minutes, I sit back in my car and I start looking at the blueprints that somebody drew up of the BAU. Since this will be my second time there, I am hoping to plant a camera or two.

Even though my organisation have kept me busy, they are still requesting a report later tonight so I need to start things. If I don't start making progress, I'm either going to be taken off or shadowed. 

The second I spot Spencer walking up to the door, I quickly get out of my car and follow after him.

"Dr Reid." I call out to him as I try to adjust my bag. "Wait for me."

He turns back to see me approaching him and his face falls.

"Valentine." I come to a stop infront of him. "I'm surprised to see you dressed down." 

I look down at the sweater that I am currently sporting.

"It's a pretty chill day for me so I didn't see the need to dress up." I coolly answer as he opens the door for me. As I enter, I make sure to keep my eyes on him while secretly looking around his surroundings.

"I noticed that you were missing from the last class." Bingo.

" Bingo

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