"Yet, here we are, six years later," Jeneva purses her lips with a tight lipped smile, Tyree opens his mouth to say something but Madaya cuts him off.

"Okay, okay. Lemme interrupt before another argument happens." Madaya says, turning to the boys. "Are y'all coming to watch out practice?"

"Nah, I have football today." Damien answers, slinging his bag over his shoulder after checking his phone for the time. "Which I should probably go change before I be late. Bye y'all."

He gives them a hug and Tyree their handshake before walking back inside the building.

Jeneva turns to Tyree, "What 'bout you?"

Tyree sucks in a breath, "I'm still in trouble from skipping last week. They wanted me back home as soon as school ends if I don't got practice." He sheepishly smiles, the two girls roll their eyes.

"We've been standing here for ten minutes, Ty." Madaya says.

"And now the school traffic is lighting up. It's a win win." Tyree shrugs his shoulders, Madaya shakes her head.

"This is why yo ass stay on lock down." She tells him.

"Eh, they should know me as their bad kid by now. But on a good note, I only got four more days." He replies.

"Yo, do y'all think I can just pick y'all up when y'all finish practice? Cause ma boys and I wanna go drop off Lia and Moni then head to McDonald's." Makari jogs up to them and asks.

"Wassup, Mil?" Tyree speaks, the older boy acknowledges his presence and the two clap each other up.

"Sup, Ty. You driving now?" Makari raises a brow when he sees car keys in the boy's hand.

Tyree nods with a slight smirk, "Yeah, finally." Makari laughs.

"You wanna take them home then?" Makari asks causing the two girls to mean mug him.

"Kari." Madaya glares at her brother.

Tyree laughs, "I would man, but I gotta get home. I'm still in trouble with my momma. Bye y'all." He daps Makari and gives Madaya and Jeneva a hug before leaving.

Makari snaps his fingers with a fake slumped expression. "Damn." He chuckles at the two girls faces, "I'm kidding, bruh. But it's fine if I leave for a little, right?"

"Can we get McDonald's after practice?" Madaya raises a brow.

"I'll just bring y'all some when I get there." Makari tells them and they shake their head.

"No it'll be cold by the time we finish." Jeneva says.

"And I don't like their fries when they're cold. They don't taste right." Madaya adds, Jeneva hums.

"But that's backtracking."Makari says, Madaya and Jeneva give him a pout and lace their hands together and puts them to their chest.

"Pleasssseeee. Pretty please..." Madaya begs with the most soft tone ever.

Makari blinks at them for a few seconds then lets out a groan in annoyance. "Fine. The things I do for y'all spoiled asses."

A smile falls on Madaya's face as she hugs her brother and tip toes to give him a big wet kiss on his cheek causing him to grimace and push her away before wiping his face.

"I hate when you do that shit, Daya." Makari sends her a small glare but Madaya just smiles.

"Hush you know ya love me. But, thanks. Loveee ya." She tells him, Jeneva hugs him briefly then pulls away.

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