Chapter Five

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Cale watched as Ezra left the parking lot then turned and strolled back into Sinful, once he was inside and seated at the bar he grinned at the ever-busy Shade.

"I like your new hire. She seems sweet and innocent." Which was odd, considering Shade was the rougher of the two and usually stayed away from anything and anyone sweet or innocent. The dirtier the better for Shade.

"I didn't have time to fully talk to her so it was an oversight on my part. She came when we needed someone and with all the packs and prides coming in I didn't have much choice. I needed a waitress." Shade griped as he moved to the register to deal with the money for the night. 

"I understand," of course he did. He was an Alpha and he happened to be one of the packs in the area so he knew that Shade was doing what he could. "I just didn't realize you were so desperate as to hire a human to waitress here."

Shade froze, his normally emerald eyes glittering fire. "What did you say?"

Cale frowned, "she's human. Did you not realize that when you hired her?" But while she smelt human, something in Cale made him hesitate to call her such.

Several curses flew from Shade as he tore through papers until he found the one he wanted. "Fucking human! Damn it, how did I miss that?" He asked more to himself than to anyone else. "She can't be human, only supernaturals and paranormals can open the door. There has to be some sort of mistake."

"I doubt that Shade. She seemed surprised by me and I didn't do anything more than shift eye color. She didn't mention it, but it was there. She was confused by it." 

"I'll have to fire her. There's no way we can have a human working here. Not only would she freak out when someone decides to get too rowdy and claws and fangs come out, what will happen when one tries to take a bite of her? Goddess above, she's lucky no one seemed to realize she was human. There are several who frequent here who'd love to take a bite out of her."

Cale frowned, not liking that one bit. He wouldn't lie and say he shared love for the human population, but something about Ezra struck him. He frowned even further when he thought about it. Holy hell, he'd bonded with her and hadn't even realized he'd done it. "Mother fucker," he growled.

"I bonded with her, unknowingly. Regardless of how she's under my protection. Talk to Bleu, perhaps, she can continue if we initiate her into our world?" 

"What the fuck you mean you bonded with her unknowingly? How the fuck do you do that?"

Cale shrugged, he didn't know himself. Usually, a wolf could only bond with one person at a time, but because he was an Alpha he could bond with as many people as he wanted. Usually, the person was a member of his pack, someone he felt some sort of emotional connection too. Never has he bonded with someone he'd just met and especially not to a human.

After a few moments of searching internally, he sighed. "Apparently, my wolf took it upon himself to make the bond because I didn't do it fast enough. I admit, I felt some sort of connection to her but apparently, my wolf deemed it enough for a bond." 

Shade sighed heavily, "Bleu is going to kill me. Your reputation will be shaken once others find out."

"Why would I do that?" Bleu asked as he appeared in Sinful. He noticed immediately that there was enough tension to choke on it. His eyes narrowed at first Cale then Shade. "What happened?"

Cale looked to Shade who simply groaned and couldn't help but chuckle, "go ahead Shade."

"Shut the fuck up, asshole. It isn't funny!" Shade growled, his eyes flashing even more vibrantly.

"Enough," Bleu ordered, moving forward. "Tell me what happened."

"I hired a human by mistake," Shade held his hand up before Bleu could tear into him just yet. "She's been here a week already. She's apparently a fast learner according to Drake and he hasn't had any problems with her."

The tension in the room nearly suffocated Cale as he bounced between looking at Bleu and Shade. Shade's body was tensed and ready while Bleu seemed way too calm for either his or Shade's liking. 

"A human? Working here, at Sinful? Where an unidentifiable number of supernaturals come? Are you insane Shade? What were you thinking? How the fuck do you hire a human by mistake? The smell alone would have been enough to choke you."

Cale frowned, not liking how Bleu spoke of Ezra. To him, she'd smelt sweet. Reminding him of some sort of citrus. 

"If you think what I did was bad, Cale bonded to her." Shade turned smug eyes on him as Cale looked to Bleu who seemed beyond shocked and just a tad speechless.

"While I shared your views of humans, this specific human is different. I don't know why, but my wolf took an immense liking to her. Hence, the bonding. As I told Shade, regardless of how or even why she's now under my protection. I believe that since she's done so well here that we should simply tell her what's what and let her decide if she can handle it or not."

Cale shrugged, "if she can't then you can wipe her memory and send her on her way." 

Bleu frowned, he'd been gone for nearly two weeks and finally, he's home and he returns to confusion. What the hell was Shade thinking of hiring a human? What had made Cale's wolf who Bleu knew personally to be a prickly bastard bond to a human of all people? 

He'd have to meet this strange human and decide for himself. 

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