Sauron's Eyes Are on Me

Start from the beginning

I slipped into the shadows under the door and shadow walked inside, laughing to myself at the thought of what I was about to do.

Then I stopped in my tracks.

Someone was sleeping on the bed.

Curled up over the sheets in the fetal position, I saw him fast asleep and snoring lightly. He was in full uniform down to those mucky boots that hung over the side of the bed. A beautiful tail curled from under his jacket, the feathered end resting on his calves. As I watched, veins of light raced and flashed through it like a light show. Tiny golden horns peeked from his chocolate brown hair. Mardu.

I tiptoed across the room, walking to the dresser opposite him. I always kept him in the corner of my eye as I opened up a smaller drawer to find it was full of socks. Moving on to the next one I found his boxers. Picking it up, I almost busted out laughing when I saw what was on the waist band.

Behind me, Mardu snorted lightly, his tail spazzing and stiffening.

I also stiffened, my eyes getting huge as I looked at him. His spiky lashes fluttered and I could see his claws arcing in and out of what usually was his fingers, kneading at the blankets. Woah. I held my breath as I slid over to the door, his boxers in hand. Caedmon was quiet as a mouse as he trailed behind me.

"What's that smile on your face for?" Merman asked me an hour later, one brow lowered in question. He knew me too well.

I waved a hand. "You'll see," I promised as I walked with our first years group to clean out the animal pens and give them food.

I put Caedmon down in the hatchling play pen, knowing full well he wouldn't stay there, before getting back to my feet and brushing my hands on my pants. Time to get to work.

I tugged out sheep water bucket and dumped it out into the wash area before grabbing my scrubber. I was listening as hard as I could for a signal... anything. I brushed the gunk off the black bucket painfully slow, my hands turning pale in the cold water as I waited with this huge grin on my face. I was surprised that it took until when I was halfway done until I finally heard a small giggle.

I perked my head up, turning my head to the noise.

"Who's ... haha whose boxers are those?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

"It says.. Oh.. crikey," that was Rihanna. "It's General Landin's! Whoever did this is going to be in so much trouble!" she sounded so smug.

I got up and walked over with the crowd that was now gathering at the goat pen, looking at the spectacle I had created. A couple giggles could be heard muffled by hands, one girl laughed nervously and stepped back.

That goat that I hated so much was very unhappy. He stomped and tossed his head to and fro. His tiny white tail flashed in indignation. He banged his head against the side of his stall in an angry fit.

But it was not his wild antics that was attracting all the attention.

It was the tighty whities stuck on his horns.

When I saw the bold letters on the waist band I couldn't help but snort again. All across the side of the underwear read 'MARDU-LANDIN'. This was too funny!

>Suddenly there was the sound of a whip and we turned round to see the Rider of the big Green who I had ridden last week. "What's caused this disruption? Aren't you supposed to be working?" he asked in an ominous tone, his brown eyes raking over us before settling on the goat. Then they widened. "Who did that." He said, dead serious.

Everyone parted like the red sea in front of him, looking down. I decided it to be best to do the same.

"Get it off him. Maybe I can-" the Rider whispered before a familiar voice made me want to chuckle.

What's all this hubbub about?" General Landin's loud voice bounced off the rafters as he stomped inside.

Everyone was quiet as a mouse as he slowly walked up to where the billy goat was still bashing his horns around.

I watched his expression carefully. I saw one eye twitch.

Then his heavy eyebrows lowered in that infamous 'angry Wolvy' expression. I could swear adamantium claws were gonna pop out of his knuckles as he fisted his hands. His lips didn't even move as venomous words crashed from between his lips against our shaky group. "Whoever did this... is in serious trouble...."

This was starting to freak me out. I realized I was in big doodoo because he evidentally didn't think this was funny at all. I stepped backwards, closed my eyes, and melded into the shadows behind me.

I opened my eyes againm safely nestled into the shadowy corner of the sheep pen. I could see General Landin, tall over the group. Which was one of the few differences in appearance from him and Wolvy. His golden eyes were narrowed, slowly sweeping over the crowd, sifting through them for guilty faces. "Fess up now and you won't get burned.... I'm giving to a count of ten."

Everyone looked down.

"One... two... three.." no one moved, or breathed it seemed. "Four.... Five...." I could see Merman looking for me in the back of the crowd, just barely tilting his head as his eyes roved around for me. He looked like he was going to break into a sweat. It was that bad? Should I reveal myself?"

"Six.... Seven... come on!" He barked. "Come out! Eight..." Suddenly his eyes turned a blazing orange-yellow with large reptilian slits for pupils. They seemed to blaze as he looked beyond the kids, scoping over the barn.

I froze stiff in place, suddenly feeling cold and sick. Those horrible eyes... I knew in my gut he would find me. And I was scared to death. Who wouldn't? He was freaking Wolverine with Sauron eyes!

When they reached me, the reptilian slits in his eyes got smaller, until all I could see of his eyes were flaming golden that seemed to suck me in. "Not gettin' out of this one so easy, bub," his rough voice growled. He stomped over towards me, everyone turning to watch him walk to something seemingly invisible.

I couldn't move. I felt like I was frozen in place. I could just watch dumbly, those smoldering eyes sucking me in, making my vision splotch with black.

I didn't even notice as Caedmon squeaked angrily and leapt at Wolverine Sauron. He was just caught and I wince in pain as I felt him get burned by Wolvy's light power.

A strong hand pressed onto the shadow, light burning away even the darkest parts of the shadow and making me hiss in pain and reveal myself. His meaty hands grabbed the front of my shirt and yanked me forewards. "You're in so much trouble," He whispered.

Then, to my later embarrassment, black enveloped my vision and the shadows of dreamland took me under its wing. 

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