Whose Connor?

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As you might have guessed this is back to Kendall's P.O.V and it starts early in the morning, so like in the middle if the last chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own big time rush...

I walked into the cafeteria was immediately greeted by my girlfriend Jo. Which was strange I think she might actually be jealous of Logan, I mean we try to kiss as least as possible(for my benifit of course). This time there was something different yet fimilar about Jo. Was of her perfume? No wait I know that smell it's Jett's colone that bitch puts way to much on after hockey practice. I pulled away from Jo my anger obviously showing on my face, how could she do this to me. No I wasn't mad because she broke my heart I was mad because she just made it so much harder to resist logan.

"Why the fuck do I smell Jett's colone?" I hissed. When she only stuttered I knew I was right. "How long" I asked still not believing she would cheat on me. When she didn't answer I decided to try a different route "HOW LONG" I screamed in her face. I didn't expect her to say "3 months" how could I be so stupid and not notice before I knew it my friends were pulling me out of the cafeteria. Ha I bet they thought I was gonna bitch slap Jo...well she'd deserve it if I did. I mean I'm gay does it really count? "Are you okay?" I heard a sweet shy voice ask but something confused me about thirty seconds after he asked if I was okay his eyes started to fill with tears.

"Logan what's wrong?" I asked but never got a response, instead logan took off running, I was shocked for a second before I started to run after him. "Logan" I said as I banged on the bathroom door "please let me in" I pleaded I could hear him sobbing and it broke my heart. "Logan please" I whispered before sliding down the door. I stayed at the door until third period when a teacher caught me. I didn't focus in third or fourth period, how could I I have no idea why Logan's crying but I wanna make it stop.

When lunch came I tried to run out the door as fast as possible but Mr.Griffin had other plans " Mr.Knight? Can I have a word with you?" I stopped and frowned in the door way before turning around and shuffling over to my economics teachers desk "what is it Mr.Griffin ?" I asked trying to get out of here as fast as possible " why weren't you paying attention? Was it about what happened with Jo?" He asked obviously trying to be somewhat compassionate. I decided to lie to get out of he as fast as possible. " yes it was but I promise it won't happen again" " okay, you are excused Mr.Knight" I nodded and jumped up once out of the class I began to ran to the boys bathroom but when I got there logan was gone.

"Kendall" I heard a whiney voice say, I turned around and saw jo standing there looking fake guilty I could see through all her lies. "What Jo" I snapped shocking her her shock then turned to anger "that's no way to talk to your girlfriend now is it kendall?" She snarled right back popping her hip to add attitude. "No one is taking to their girlfriend Jo, at least I sure as hell am not" the shocked look returned only to turn into vengeful. "I know a secret you wouldn't want to spread around the school" she whispered a knowing look in her eyes. "Fuck it, we will talk about this later I have to find logan, so if you wouldn't mind moving you slutty ass" I said before moving past her, she grabbed my arm before whining "you are seriously choosing that nerd over me again?", "why wouldn't I,I enjoy his company and that's more than I could say about you" I said her eyes bulging slightly out of her slutty little head. "I'd be nicer if I were you" she warned, "Fuck it and Fuck you Jo, no one is going to believe a cheating whore like you anyways" I snarled before pulling my arm away and heading to the front of the school. I stopped and thought for spittle bit trying to figure out where Logan would be.

Where could he be? Think kendall think! Maybe he went home? I would if something bad happened. I decided to skip the rest of the day and head to Logan's house. On the drive there I could help but overthink why logan started crying. Maybe something bad happened to his parents? Or maybe they were coming home later? Before I knew it was at Logan's house I pulled into the driveway, I practically ran from my car. I tried the door knob and to my surprise and fear the door was unlocked,calm down he's fine. "Logan?" I yelled out but no response I decided to walk up to his room maybe he's in there...

"Logan" I yelled again but this time I heard I slight whimper. I opened Logan's door and was shocked when I saw logan tear stained cheeks, blood shot eyes and heaving chest curled up In a ball crying on his bed. "Logie" I said trying be comforting, he raised his head his eyes wide " what are you doing here?" His voice laced with shock. "I wanted to make sure you were okay" I wait before adding " I was really worried about you". I thought that what I said might quiet down his crying but it did the exact opposite he started to wail into his knees. " logan, let me in" I said well moving closer to him, I started to rub his back thinking it'd be comforting but he flinched away. "GET AWAY FROM ME CONNOR" he screamed Connor? Whose Connor and why is he so scared? " logan it's me kendall" I said met with only silence "logan look at me,what's going on?" He whimpered before raising his head "I don't want you to think differently of me" he said barely a whisper "nothing you say can change how I think of you" because I think I love you I thought. " k-kendall" "I'm right here, you can tell me anything" I stated trying to encourage him "what do you want to know?" I thought for a second befor remember something he said earlier.

"Whose Connor?"

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