I'm logan Mitchell

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AN: So i decided to change it up a little bit. Again im so sorry for making all of you wait i want to thank everyone who has read and reviewed this. i love you all! So I just wanted to clarify that this is in Logan's POV.

Disclaimer:I don't own Big time rush

I heard a beeping alarm; I opened my eyes well groaning. I got up and stretched before walking over to the alarm and hitting the button to shut it up. Only then did I realize the amazing smell wafting through the room. I turned and looked over to an empty bed. Where was Kendall? I made my way down stairs, and was overwhelmed with an amazing smell. "Hey, sleepy head" Kendall said as soon ats he saw me," Hi" was all I said as I wiped the sleep out of my eyes. He smiled "you should probably get dressed, so Katie doesn't see you like that" he said them gestured to my practically naked Body. I blushed them ran up the stairs, I completely forgot I was only wearing boxers.

I ran back downstairs to a blushing Kendall and a smug Katie; I choose to ignore whatever happened well I was changing. "Morning Katie" I said before kissing her on the forehead, "morning Kendall" I said before sitting next to him "morning logan" "so what were you two talking about" the only response I got was a lot of stuttering from Kendall and laughing from Katie. Katie finally said "that for us to know and no one to find out" That sentence made me wonder what the knight siblings were up to." When do your parents get back" Kendall mumbled obviously trying to change the subject. i frowned at the mention of my parents that abandon me every 1 to 2 months for weeks. "My mom will be gone until Thursday and my dad won't be back until Next Monday and the Tuesday after that my mom is leaving again to go to New York" I tried to hide the pain and bitterness but i did a horrible job at it. "wow, and I thought my mom was never around" Katie said resulting in Kendall sending her upstairs to get ready for school. "Sorry about her she has no filter" Kendall apologized as soon as Katie left the room. "Don't worry about it" I mumbled before getting up and heading toward Kendall's room to get ready for school.

Katie apologizes to me in the car on the ride to her school. I simply nodded well saying don't worry about it I'm not mad. Thing is I truly mean it but the knights cant tell that I do so they continue to apologize to the point of annoying. Kendall and I walked into the cafeteria and over to our overcrowded table that all are friends are sitting at. Wow ive never said overcrowded and friends in the same sentence before. I could get use to that I smiled, that smile was quickly replaced with a frown when Jo pulled kendall away and kissed him, I'll be the first to admit it I was jealous of the "power couple". Most guys my age would be jealous of kendall because duh he is making out with the head cheerleader not to mention the hottest girl in school. But I'm not like them I'm the one that's jealous of Jo because she's making out with the hockey captain, hottest guy in school, sweetest guy in school and the guy that was the main star in my wet dream( what do you expect? I'm a teenage boy I have hormones!).

To my surprise and may I say pleasure kendall pulled away from Jo with any angry expression " why the fuck do I smell Jett's cologne?" Jo just started stuttering " how long" kendall asked with a hint of disbelief in his voice. When Jo didn't say anything let alone look at kendall he yelled "HOW LONG" " 3 months" Jo muttered, james carlos and I stepped in and dragged kendall out of the cafeteria before he could make a bigger scene. "Are you okay?" I asked trying to hide the happiness out of my voice. Damn it logan! I thought to myself, he's straight and even if he wasn't he wouldn't want a used up peice of trash like you! Tears started to Well up in my eyes. I couldn't think of that horrible day or that horrible man. I am my worst enemy.

"Logan what's wrong?" I heard kendall say I didn't respond I couldn't. So I did the only thing that came to mind, I ran, running was the one thing I was good at. I ran to the boys bathroom full on sobbing, my body shaking as I slid down the wall. I couldn't handle this by myself but who do I have to turn to? My parents are out of town and don't care, why would they? I couldn't talk to kendall so I just sat there ignoring the pleading call coming from my friends, ignoring the bell ringing signaling I was late to 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th period because I didn't care... Just like everyone in my life. I just didn't care. I finally decided to move when the bell signally lunch rung I made my way out if school without anyone noticing, the school wasn't far from my house so I just walked. As I was walking I couldn't help thinking of that horrible night.

The night that changed my life forever, the night that made my parents work more. It was a party my friend sandy dragged me to, one of her college friends was throwing it so we lied to our parents for once I decided to be disobedient and I wish more than anything that I hadn't been. So it was about midnight when I went in search of a bathroom. The first one I stumbled apon had a couple fucking in it so I walked into an abandoned bed room. Thing was it wasn't as abandoned as I thought. There was a college boy in the bathroom. He was a college boy I could never forget. That night I was raped. And for the next eight months I was in an abusive relationship with the same boy who raped me.

I'm logan Mitchell and I'm a rape victim...

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