leaf me alone!

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Gerard spent the rest of the night thinking about the beautiful leaf.
It looked so flawed, yet so perfect.

The next day, he tried to catch it's attention.

He waited for the wind to blow, and it did, but very softly.
You see, Gerard had to be able to see the leaf in order to speak to it, for first words, that is. After that, he could interact as much as he wanted.

Finally, after an hour of waiting, the wind picked up and blew strongly for a moment, and Gerard caught sight of the leaf, and then he spoke.

Hey! He called out quickly the second before the wind calmed down.

Huh, what? Who are you? A voice spoke back.

My name's Gerard, I'm a leaf on the branch lower down to you. Gerard explained.

W-well.. Why are you talking to me? Go talk to your friends and leaf me alone!

I don't have any friends. Gerard sighed.

Yeah? Well neither do I, and I like it like that. He sounded harsh, and upset.

Maybe we could be friends... Gerard whispered quietly.

Did you not just hear what I said? I said I like having no friends. Now stop talking to me!

Gerard was sad, he drooped limply and just sat there. After a while, he decided to try again.

W-what's your name? He asked.

Is that seriously you again? Why are you so interested in me?

Because you're beautiful!

W-What? The leaf stuttered.

Last night, when the wind blew, I caught a glimpse of you. You looked so perfect. I felt like the was nothing else I wanted to do in the world but just talk to you.


I'm sorry... I'll leaf you alone. Gerard sighed, drooping even more.

There was a long hush between the two of them, Gerard sat miserably, while that one beautiful leaf simply sat in shock of what had been said.

Finally, he broke the silence.

My... My name's Frank.

The leaf on the other branch (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now