3. You're Just Nervous

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[f/n] - first name

You've been sitting in your room for what felt like hours and what was probably only one. But still. One hour just laying in bed with your thoughts and current events rattling around in your mind was something you didn't want to be doing at the moment.

Why. Why out of all the people that could've came to help you it was some pirates? You're horrible lucky is still a mind boggling question to you.

They didn't look like pirates though when you first saw them. They were kind and helpful, extending a hand towards you while everyone else ran away. You wanted to be friends with them before you found out about their, uh, profession per say.

You felt a little guilty now about yelling at them and decided next time you saw them you'd give them each an apology. They did help you out, if it wasn't for them you don't know where you'd be right now.

Ending your long train of thought, the door creaked open for your doctor to come in.

"Hey," you muttered.

"What's your problem?" he asked, setting his sword against the wall and walking over to the side of your bed.

"Excuse me?" You said, raising your eyebrows.

He glared lightly. "What's the problem with your body."

Your face flushed from embarrassment, you looked down at the sheets of your bed. "Oh."

"So what's wrong?"

"It's my legs," you mumbled, throwing the blankets off of them for him to see.

He looked at them with a calm and collected gaze.

"An easy fix," he told you, walking back to his sword, picking it up and unsheathing it, the metal smoothly sliding out of the case. "It'll be quick."

You felt your eyes almost pop out of their sockets at the sight of the weapon. "Woah woah woah, hold on! What the hell are you going to do with that to me?!"

He sighed. "Just shut up and trust me."

"You know, it kind of hard to do that when you're holding and approaching me with a sword!" You panicked, pointing at the long slick weapon.

"I don't like patients who complain," he grumbled.

"I can't help it, it's kind of nerve wracking, you with a sword!"

He smirked ever so slightly. "Good."

"Well you're not doing anything with that thing to me," you stated.

He sighed. "What's it going to take for you to listen to me?"

You thought for a minute. "Get Penguin and Shachi."


"Why not?" You asked.

"They're busy with other stuff," he vaguely replied.

"Well then I don't want you coming at me with that thing," you said, crossing your arms over your chest in defiance.

He scowled, putting his sword back in the case and grasping it over his shoulder once more. "What if I get Bepo?"

"Bepo?" You asked.

Right, that's the talking bear that carried me here, you thought.

"Sure, go get Bepo," you said happily, shooing him away.

He sneered. "Don't do that. I could throw you into the water right now, so don't go ordering me around on my ship."

"Why don't you then? Just chuck me into the ocean right now," you offered, laughing internally at his confused frown that you've been able to bring upon him more then once. It was fun to mess with him, even though there was sometimes a little fear he would actually take you up on one of your joking offers.

"Because Penguin and Shachi wouldn't be happy," he muttered. "They seem to like you."

With that, he left your room again to go get Bepo.

You stared at the spot where he once stood. "'Because they wouldn't be happy'?" You repeated. "I didn't think he'd even care. What a weird guy."

You sat waiting patiently for a bit before he came back into the room, Bepo walking from behind and to the edge of your bed.

"Alright, are you willing to shut up now?" He asked, clearly annoyed.

You smiled at Bepo as you took ahold of his furry paw.

"Yeah, just don't mess up," you said.

He smirked, sword ready in hand. "I never mess up."


"That wasn't that bad," you admitted, rubbing your now completely healing legs. "That's some weird devil fruit you've got there."

"Is it any stranger then the other ones?" He asked, stashing his sword against his shoulder.

You laughed. "Not really, I guess."

"I have to go check up on the crew, so just, do something," he trailed off.

"Wow thanks, I'll do that then," you joked, earning a glare.

"Just don't get in my way. It's already troublesome enough that you're here in the first place," he said coldly.

"Ouch," you smiled, placing a hand over your heart then putting it back down to rest. "Maybe that would've hurt if it was my fault, which it wasn't."

"It doesn't matter, you're still here and in the way," he muttered. "I have to go."

"Oh, wait!"

He sighed, glancing over his shoulder to look at you. "What?"

"How long until we get to Saboady again?" I asked, curious.

He frowned, turning to face you again. "We're a ways away already, it'll be a while."

"Wait, we are? Where are we?" You asked.

"Almost at Water Seven."

"What?!" You cried in shock. "How are we almost there? That's a long ways from Saboady and I haven't even been on this ship that long!"

"You were asleep for two days if you didn't know," he brought up.

"No, I didn't know that!" You complained. "But it'll only take two days to get back, right?"

He shook his head. "We're hoping to make it to Water Seven before this vessel breaks down. Something's wrong with it even my shipwright can't figure out. We'll probably be there for a week at the least, plus the two days of travel back."

You groaned, leaning your head in your hands. "You're kidding."

"I don't 'kid'."

"Okay," you sighed, sitting back up. "Okay! I'll be okay."

"Think what you want, I've got things to do," he grumbled, walking out of the room and slamming the door.

You scrunched up your nose in distaste. "Just great, just great. I'm stuck with that guy for almost two weeks."

Within The Heart [Trafalgar Law x Reader] {One Piece}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz