
"No Bonnie that isn't fair, Chica?!" The blonde turned from where she had been stirring up the sauce for tonight's dinner to look through the hatch, seeing Jenny almost stomping her way towards the kitchen; the sight bringing a weary smile to her face even as she then turned to glare at the now cautious looking man trailing behind. It had been just over a month since they confronted Jenny with the truth and she had come to trust them all completely, sleeping during the day as before but spending her nights with them like a family; even if like always they had their little disagreements when one of the tried to set a new rule. Foxy had been in the party room watching over the events silently like most times, chuckling when he saw Jenny finally turn to the closest female for support for her argument; usually they sided with her unless it was something more serious like when she asked to unboard the windows. Now he followed behind the two entering the kitchen leaning on the outside of the hatch, he knew the more people in the kitchen the worse off it would be; and he was content to watch unless he was actually needed to calm things down. "What is it Honey? Bonnie what did you do?" While Chica stopped to open her arms to Jenny who crossed her arms putting her back to her warm chest, the man in question stopped just inside the door rubbed the back of his head under the blonde's darkening eyes; it was well known Chica ruled the roost in her kitchen but of course Jenny got her word in first before he could defend his actions. "He took my tool kit again and won't let have it back, I know it was you Bonnie no one else I found this in my room" Producing a guitar pick from her Pocket Jenny held it up for Chica to take, which she did looking at the small item before glaring at the now unsure purple hair man; her eyes narrowing. "Bonnie you know the deal, we don't go in our Little Girl's room it's her private space; and in return she-" At that point Bonnie crossed his own arms frowning down at Jenny, his tone still gentle but disapproving as he finally got his side in; not something he actually got to do very often. "That's the thing she was using her tools to try and get into the basement again" The statement had an immediate effect as even Foxy went stiff as Chica looked down at Jenny, the girl had realised she was in trouble and looked away from all their eyes; even if she wanted to hide right now the one arm still around her wouldn't have let go. "Jenny?" She refused to look up at Chica when she called out for a response, all three of the people knew this was the one rule they were always solid as stone on; for her own protection. When Jenny had finally discovered the basement's hidden door they had instantly reacted reinforcing it, Freddie making it clear she was not to ever go in the basement for her own protection; and Mangle later made the deal they would stay out of her room unless invited if she agreed to never touch the door.

Turning Jenny's form around to face her Chica moved back hands on hips, her amethyst eyes boring down to meet the pre teens in a silent reprimand; her normally bubbly demeanour gone as her tone turned stern. "In that case you are going to bed with no dinner, Foxy take Jenny to her room and Bonnie keep hold of those tools; Freddie will decide when you get them back young lady" Jenny blanched opening her mouth to try and defend herself and object, but it was cut off before she could even begin when Chica lifted her arms pointing to the doors; and with her shoulders slumped Jenny turned meeting Foxy who held the door open ready for her. "Com on then Lass, let's be getting ye to bed" Watching the girl walk away through the hatch with Foxy Chica sighed picking up her sauce bowl moving to the fridge, none of them needed to eat other than Jenny but they ate together with her all the same; so the prepared ingredients would just be stored away and used tomorrow instead. "Do you wanna tell him...?" Bonnie's voice was quiet and had a grave tone to it, making Chica herself sag thinking about what Freddie would do when he found out; although he seemed rather placid around their Little Girl he could be anything but at time. With a deep sigh Chica turned to clean down the sides as she responded. "You tell Freddie and I will handle Mangle" With whine like noise Bonnie protested only a moment before Chica turned glaring at him daring him to argue with her, even if she didn't need to handle Freddie's temper she still had to handle Mangle's motherly melt down; besides Bonnie had a way of calming Freddie down better than the rest of them. "Fine I will give you an extra ten minutes to find Mangle before I go looking for Freddie, he is frightening enough on little things but this is a big one; Mangle being there will at least soften the blow" Sighing Bonnie left the kitchen walking on heavy feet back to the stage, he would find a better hiding space for the tool kit before looking for Freddie; Jenny was always more determined to do something when told no. Chica watched him go before her own mind went from one emotion to another, she was furious Jenny had tried to break that rule but more in fear their Little Girl would get hurt than anything else; there were still secrets she didn't know that they all hid to keep her safe and happy. Putting her cloth aside she left the kitchen disheartened she wouldn't get to eat dinner with Jenny tonight, but knowing Bonnie was right and she needed to get to Mangle before he got to Freddie; they all might be protective of Jenny but Mangle was different. She saw Jenny like her own daughter and took being protective to a whole new level, and although she might seem to be less threatening the white fox was far more dangerous than she seemed; after all a mother protecting her child was the most dangerous thing in the world.

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