Helping the Assignments! (fixed)

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" Do be careful with it, I'm not in the engineering major, so I can't risk taking it apart for your closer inspection " I said as the warlord nodded in understanding as the phone starts unlocking through my face recognition. " This is a much more advanced technology, the phones we used in the past barely have a camera function and they're very thick and heavy, unsuitable for travels and whatnot " I explained as the scary man keep scrolling and started opening random apps, and one of them was my gallery.

" This is where all the pictures I capture would be kept in " I instructed as Nobunaga passed it over to Masamune, " say, lass, where is this 'camera' function you're talking about? " The one-eyed dragon asked politely asked as he tried his best to find it.  " Oh here " I swiftly swiped through the phone and opened the camera app for him to use. The camera was flipped to a front camera, thus getting a shocking look from Masamune " This feels like a mirror doesn't it? " Mitsunari commented as I agreed. " Yeah! It's somewhat similar to a mirror, but you can take a picture with it! " 

As the warlords seemed to be having fun inspecting my phone, I then remembered about my friend Izumi who had been such a huge fan of them, and how she would absolutely go crazy over them! " How about, to commemorate this moment, we take pictures using it? " I suggested as the warlords glanced over to Nobunaga for approval, and he gave a simple nod as a response. " I'll be the photographer, you guys can just huddle? Or wait, let me do the arrangements " I then proceed to ask them to go to the nearest end of the room and line them up with their heights. " Looks good enough to me, alright just stay still for a sec!  " I went over in front of them and started taking the warlords' pictures. " I'm not really talented in photography but I hope you like it " I walked over to Nobunaga and showed him the pictures. 

" Hmmm, not bad " He complimented as I let out a breath of relief. " Glad you like it " I gave a polite smile and took out my digital camera next out of the bag. " This, is also a camera! " I said and passed it to Nobunaga for an inspection once more. " Why do you have two cameras? What's the difference? " Hideyoshi couldn't help but feel curious finally decided to ask me. " Oh! I forgot about that! Well, actually... I am a university student who needs to do her assignments regarding the Sengoku period for my History class and I need the marks to pass or else I would have to repeat a year, and the cameras are used for me to supply  the pictures as proof I actually went to the History site and do my proper research, as for the differences, my phone is mainly used to communicate with my friends, the camera sole reason is to take pictures, and this could save my phone battery from dying too quickly if I used the camera app in my phone too much "

After the brief explanation they slowly nod their heads in understatement, " and who is Professor Igeuchi? " Hideyoshi asked once more, " Ah... that's my History lecturer... he's a bit strict, to be honest so I usually BARELY pass his class " I sighed at the thought of professor Igeuchi constantly picking me to answer his tough questions in class. " I see... so, have you finished your assignments yet? " Mitsuhide asked as I held back my tears of disappointment to myself at that very moment. " Well... I.. uhh.. sorta procrastinated on it? And it's a week.. was it in a week due? I'm not sure at this point to submit the reports... and since I'm stuck here... I lost hope to finish it at this point-- " I said, facing the cruel reality and hating on my past selves for not doing and submitting the work sooner. 

" Hmmm... so basically, it's your fault for not doing it earlier? " Nobunaga questioned, rubbing the salt into my already wounded pride. " Exactly " I smiled in silent pain. I didn't notice Hideyoshi was holding my backpack when I heard the soft rustling of papers. " What's this? " He asked as he pulled out my homework from the bag. " my pain and suffering-- I meant, homework! " I said as I immediately corrected myself. " But it's blank? " Mitsunari looked at me in confusion and a hint of concern, " It's due within tomorrow, supposedly, I was thinking of dropping by my friend's house after the site report to help me with it ". 

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