I answered Almost questioningly. Netherlands however, doesn't seemed convinced enough so are Russia. Portugal is just does not care or is sleeping with his eyes open.

" Timor, are you sure? You can check up on the infirmary if you're feeling ill, Mr. Switzerland is still in there.. "

I gave a small smile albeit a bit panicked at Netherland's suggestion.

"No, no- I'm really okay- I just, need to go home now and take some cool shower."

I said, Chuckling nervously. Netherlands just give me that 'Are you sure?' Look, but he shrugged it off and nodded nonetheless.

" Гребаный ад, Just tell us what's wrong already. "

My hope of being let off the hook immediately shattered. I should've known Russia is, if not, hard to convince. 'He's angry, great'. I let out a shaky sigh before trying to think of anything that would get me out from this conversation.

" W-what do you mean?" I pretended instead, though failing miserably.

That seemed to be the wrong answer since Russia's grip tightens and he resorts to glaring at me instead.

"Alright Russia, Timor is not feeling well, don't patronize him." Thank the Lord's above, Japan is this thoughtful.

"You can go Timor, be careful on your ways." Japan continued, giving a polite slight bow as Nekomi followed suit. It's in their customs after all and I could respect that.

Nodding at them, I waved them goodbye before heading back home. Yet, even then, I could still feel Russia's gaze at my back. Glaring daggers at me even as I turned to an alley.

Well, at least I'm safe.. For now.

Narrator's POV

"Russia, what are you thinking? Timor is already bad enough with his conditions, you don't need to add anymore pressure to him."

Japan lightly scolds Russia who were silent the entire time, only letting small grunt as the Japanese man kept going on and on about politeness.

"It's getting late though, we should head home. Least we want a teacher catching us slacking at the back of the school."

Portuguese boredly quipped, followed with a small 'yeah' from Nekomi who also boredly stares at her brother scolding some Russian.

Netherland nodded, "yeah it really is getting late. Let's go home everyone."

With that, Nekomi called her brother as Portuguese already resorts to hoisting his bag up from being put on the bench in the school's backyard.

Russia begrudgingly followed suit, hoisting his own bag up but after a small last chains of scolding from Japan.

And the group walked, unaware of another presence slowly creeping in. The sight of a figure suddenly shows up in the way have them suddenly become silent.

Curios also confused eyes looked at the figure who is eerily silent.

"Do you need anything..?" Portuguese, ever the oblivious one, casually asked the mysterious figure.

After a moment or two, the Man finally speak up. Somehow, the familiarity of the voice made Netherland's brow to furrows slightly.

"I bring you all an offer."

The figure siad, their hood still shielding the their eyes. Making them a bit hard to identify even with a keen eye sight as a country.

"Offer? What offer?"

In The Beggining of the End [ Under Major Revising ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora