I'm a mess because of you

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Strangling and Punching
Only one punch though
The story is about Harry being dominant and Matt being Harry's submissive and not fighting him off even if he is brutal and rough with him.
Hope you enjoy the story of mine and hopefully your fantasy too.😉😉😉😙😙😙😙😘😘

Chapter 2

It's been days since that day and Harry wasn't talking to Matt.They had scenes together but once they were done filming Harry would just leave and not even glance at Matt.

Everyone was starting to get suspicious.They kept asking Matt if they had a fight or something and Matt kept lying that everything was alright.
Matt tried to talk to him everyday but he wouldn't acknowledged his presence.Even Dom and Isaiah confronted him.The others noticed how Harry would leave and shoved pass Matt everytime he would joined them.

After some days Matt was starting to get annoyed by his behavior.Atleast punch him or shout at him but stop making it obvious for the others to see.
So Matt started to avoid him too.It was his fault Yes but Harry was acting petty.

When Harry saw Matt avoiding him too that made him even more angry than before.
How dare Matt to avoid him?...he was the one that should be angry not him.He thought as he glared daggers at Matt's back.

After a week passed nothing changed they were still avoiding each other and Harry's anger kept on increasing and boiling everyday.He avoided his wife's questioning look everytime.His mind was full of Matthew Daddario.Everything about Matt was making something boiling up inside him.When the time came he decided to finally face his wife.Not tell the truth but at least stop avoiding her kisses or touches.

But that was probably not a good idea because the minute he kissed his wife all that appeared behind his closed eyes was Matt's dreamy hazel eyes his long eyelashes his rosy cheeks and his beautiful lips.He didn't break the kiss instead it got heated and he ended up having sex with his wife thinking of Matt under him writhing and moaning.

He felt guilty and depressed to the point he started losing sleep and drinking everyday.

Another week passed still no changes.

Matt was in his trailer van sulking quietly.He was still thinking about Harry and what the director had planned for them.

He had been called earlier that day by the director who had decided to take action and help them to solve their problems.Kiss and make up he had said.And he had to roll his eyes in sarcasm to cover what really those phrase was doing to his heart.

They all had been moved to another location for shooting.It was a forest.Kind of.

It was raining outside.All their trailer vans were parked next to the other.His and Harry's had parked theirs the furthest away from each other.Matt's was at the beginning of the trailers and Harry's was at the furthest end where there were more trees and it was darker.

The director called Matt and Harry but Harry wasn't there so it was just him.He gave Matt the script of Malec and told him that there was some supposed changes and that he and Harry needed to practice the scene that they would shoot the scene for next week and that it needed to be perfect.
Matt protested at first but the director left no room for any arguments so he gave up.The director called Harry that afternoon and told him about the changes.He asked to come tonight to practice the scene with Matt.Harry protested too but he didn't leave any room for arguments for him either.

That Night Matt was waiting for Harry.He was nervously pacing around in his trailer.While waiting he made up his mind that he was gonna apologized to him no matter what.He sat and rubbed his face in frustration.

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