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i peeked through the curtains to see my friends, they've been looking at me through that glass pane for a minute now, and since only two people were allowed to come in, mingi and i had to be the two people. i stopped crying now so that's something i'm proud of, but mingi hasn't been speaking to me ever since earlier. we're also sitting beside each other in bed.

"here you go." the nurse gave me an ice pack, and i bowed my head, "thank you," and placed it on my sprained ankle. mingi noticed that i've been looking through the curtains for some time now so he stood up and closed it for.. i don't know, why?? and because we're covered up now, he had a change of face expressions, disappointing the shit out of me. so it was all an act? this sly bitch!-

"so.. hyerin.. was this your plan?" mingi asked, i don't know if he's worried for me or worried for himself, but either way, it's making my blood boil. i want to die right now, just thinking about what got in his head when i twisted my ankle, he must be laughing his ass off inside. "no." i answered, without even looking at him.

"why'd you embarrass yourself for, then?" he asked, i was about to yell at him but he shushed me before i could make a sound to add a few more words, "but- anyways- this is a good chance. now your friends think that we have a thing, then i could hang out with you a.k.a. i could hang out with kyunghee!" a proud look to the idea he just recited.

i sighed, maybe this is the best i could do for him for carrying me all the way here even though i was.. probably.. heavy as fuck to handle, but he's a big guy, so i guess that's not a big deal to him?

"okay." was all i could reply, and he seemed upset, "hey, you okay?" he asked, i furrowed my brows, "why wouldn't i be?" i asked, does he think i like him or something to give a cold answer? no, idiot! it's the complete opposite, i wish you could read my mind so you wouldn't be that stupid annoying—

calm down, hyerin. i told myself, and i breathed slowly to keep myself cool. mingi didn't look convinced, but i don't really mind, i just wish he would leave and let one of my friends inside instead of his annoying ass. i wish i could just spoil kyunghee everything, but mingi might tell everyone about that— cheesecake incident. ugh! erase that from your head, please.

"should i leave? and let kyunghee inside?" he asked. he heard my prayers! i almost yippeed my way out of the bed but i had self control so i kept my posture and just smiled, "please?" i favoured, then he stood up, "i'm getting your messenger from wooyoung later today. so don't be surprised." he told me one last time, but before i could reply, he left and closed the curtain.

"thank you, please take care of her." i heard mingi tell the nurse, such a typical line for a typical fake boyfriend. the door opened then closed. and it opened and closed again, "hyerin!" — it's kyunghee, she opened the curtains and looked worried, "does it hurt?" she asked, sitting at the exact same place mingi was earlier, but closer to me.

i nodded, "it's nothing, i'll be fine in a few days." i chuckled, kyunghee scratched the back of her head, "i kind of.. laughed when i saw you twist your ankle, but i didn't think it was this serious for you to have mingi carry you." kyunghee said that part especially different from the rest. so i glared at her; because she laughed and because she mentioned mingi. i was hoping she'd ignore that, but i guess it's a big deal now because she knows how much i hate mingi and his group of friends for being annoying class clowns.

"are you and mingi.. together?" she asked after that small silence of me just looking at her, i shook my head, but suddenly remembered that mingi and i should have a thing, so i nodded my head right after – "huh?" kyunghee asked, confused of what my answer actually is.

"you know.. just- stuff happened." i told her, faking a smile, "so, yeah, i guess?" since kyunghee knows that i don't like talking about my feelings, she didn't ask further and just stopped that topic there. but mingi was still in the conversation, "mingi seemed kind of cool back there," she giggled, and i giggled back. mingi did it to show off for you, you clueless dumbass.

but then again, mingi and kyunghee rarely talked in class, so maybe kyunghee will never get a hint of what's actually happening. but for now, i'm (fake) starving, "hey, could you go to mingi and ask him to buy me a cheese sandwich?"

"but you don't even like that shit?" kyunghee asked, and i nodded, "buy it with him. then tell him i'm giving the sandwich to him as a thank you present." i smiled, then tried pushing kyunghee off the bed.

i may look like i'm okay, but my ankle still fucking hurts and it stings because of the cold compress. but as this is happening, i'll get to deal with mingi's love for kyunghee a lot faster.

"go, just go!" i told her, "and tell the rest that i want to get some time alone."

i guess i'm some kind of genius, just by looking at mingi's surprised face. "you know, that was really big brain." he told me, showing off the cheese sandwich he bought with kyunghee. i faked a laugh, "that's still my money, broski." i told him, and he made an annoying smile, "i know." he said in a cheerful tone, "i'm never eating this." he added.

"BUT COULD YOU STOP-" i inhaled and exhaled deeply, "-that?" i asked, he's been lowkey sit-jumping at my bed and it's been creaking for a while now. he stopped and looked at me like a child whose candy got stolen. but i don't really care about that, since i still have something in my mind.

"when are you going to recover?" mingi asked, pointing at my ankle with his cheese sandwich. i sighed, "i don't know, maybe next week?" i answered unsurely, and he sighed, "does this mean i can't go to the movie marathon at yuqi's?" he asked, and i nodded, "probably." mingi looked upset more than ever. doesn't he think about what will happen to his image if he goes there?

"but maybe i can make it work." i told mingi, and he looked at me with his face brightened up now, "you mean?-" he asked, gasping. "yeah, maybe i could bare with the pain on friday and go.. with you or whatever." i continued.

mingi handed over his cheese sandwich, "here you go." i hesitated to take it because i don't like it, but since mingi is being wholesome, i just took it and smiled at him, "that's my thank you present for you." he told me, "eat it up and get well soon! i'm off to our ict class." he stood up, got one strap of his bag on his shoulder and dashed out.

i was left with the cheese sandwich. and since i'm (kind of) starving, i guess i'll just eat it.. or something. not because mingi gave it to me or anything.

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