An hour later and I am suitably drunk. My head is fuzzy and I don't seem to be thinking before I talk, which is why I was so shocked when I exclaimed "I'm going to sing on karaoke!", earning cheers and chuckles from the girls. "Jess, are you sure that's a good idea?" Larny asks, still chuckling. She's probably remembering the last time I sang on karaoke and threw up over the microphone. But not today! Today I'm determined, so I reply "Yes I'm sure, I'm going to show that prick what he could have had". This earns some pitiful smiles from the girls. I roll my eyes and leave the table, making a bee line for the stage. "Hey! I wanna sing!" I call out to the DJ, who takes my song request and says he'll call me over in a few minutes. Well, time for a shot then! I push my way back through the crowd and make it to the bar; wedging my way in between two men to make sure I'm seen by the bartender. The tall bartender with buzz cut hair makes his way over so I call for a shot of tequila, but before I can finish, he puts his hand up to halt me and says "Hi sir, what can I get for you?" to the man next to me. "Excuse me," I say, pushing his hand away from my face, "I think you'll find I was ordering?" The bar tender rolls his eyes and continues to look at the man beside me, waiting for him to order. Who does he think he is? "Seriously?" I exclaim. The man next to me coughs slightly, and says "She was here first, shot of tequila for the lady" in a low, husky drawl. I know that voice anywhere. How had I not noticed before? I turn to the side and look into the piercing green eyes just inches away from me. "Holy shit. Thank you, Harry Styles" I hear myself say and cringe at my choice of words. That is how I meet my idol? He laughs and a breathtaking smile takes over his face, two dimples poking out. "You're welcome..?" He says, prompting me to give me name. "Jess, um Jess Love" I reply, still utterly star struck. God he's even more gorgeous in person. My stomach lurches at our close proximity and I give myself a moment to take in his appearance. He's dressed in black jeans, a plain white shirt unbuttoned half way. He must notice me staring, because when my eyes draw back to his face he's smirking slightly. "Cheers," He says, handing me a shot and taking one for himself. We drink them down just in time for the DJ to announce "and up next on karaoke we have Jess", which earns a few screams from my booth. This seems to bring me back into reality and I laugh at the situation I've found myself in. "That's my cue," I say with a smile. How can this interaction be coming to an end already! I need to play this cool. "Maybe I'll bump into you again after" I add and turn to walk away, but not before Harry says "I'll be waiting".

My face is flushed as I make my way to the stage. How can I make a fool of myself now I know my biggest celebrity crush is stood a few meters away? The DJ hands me a mic as I step onto the small stage in the corner of the bar, and I hear the beat of the music start. Nerves shake through me, wanting so desperately to impress him. My hips start to move and somehow I start singing "Clocks strikes, upon the hour and the sun begins to fade". The cheers from the crowd spur me on and I begin to move to the music more. "It's been enough time to figure out, how to chase my blues away," I continue, shimmying to the floor trying my very best to remember how to look sexy. As I continue singing, I allow myself to scan the crowd, seeing my best friends up and dancing, screaming back at me "OHHH I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY!" I continue to look around and eventually find myself sinking in that emerald sea. He's standing closer, a friend with him now, arms crossed and a smile stretched across his face. Perfect. Now I know I have his approval, I decide to go for it, strutting around the stage and whipping my hair. "Oh don't you wanna dance, with me baby!" I start, bending forward slightly, fully aware how crazy I look, "Don't you wanna dance, with me boy!" I sing, locking eyes once again with Harry. I give him a small wink, the tequila making me feel brave. The high note is coming up so I halt my dancing and tip my head back slightly singing "With somebody who loves me!" Wow, it doesn't even sound that good in my shower! The crowded bar starts cheering and I hear my girls whooping, but what really makes my heart leap is the sight of Harry fucking Styles putting two fingers in his mouth and whistling. Fuck me he's sexy. I hand the microphone back to the DJ and exit the stage, not sure if I should walk back to my friends who are all still cheering, or brave it and go back to Harry. What if he thinks I'm some weirdo fan? Besides, I don't want to bother him on his night out, he probably doesn't get much time off. No, I'll go back to my friends.

I begin the walk back, head down to avoid catching his eye. God the poor bloke probably thinks I'm a right stalker! What was I doing, looking into his eyes while singing that? Well done Jess, embarrassing as always. "Here she is, okay superstar where the fuck did that come from?" I hear Larny call as I approach our table. I laugh and throw my hands into the air, strutting the rest of the way to the table. But before I can make it there, I bump into something hard. The thing places two big hands on my shoulders to steady me, "Would you look at that?" The thing says, "Looks like you did bump into me again after all". I look up and come face to face with Harry fucking Styles again. I giggle and say "Actually I think you'll find you bumped into me. You stalking me Styles?" He laughs lightly, "Well I couldn't give up the chance to meet the star of the show now could I? You we're amazing" This last part makes me lose all my game and I look to the floor mumbling a "thanks". It feels like there's nowhere for this conversation to go, but I'm desperate for him to stay talking to me. As I open my mouth to talk, he interrupts "Can I get you a drink? You know, just to say thank you for that performance" It's as if he heard my inward plea! I smile up at him, "Sure, let me just tell my friends quickly". He lets me shuffle past him to reach my booth, which holds four absolutelu gobsmacked girls, mouths hung open. "What the fuck" Hallie says. I hide my smug smile, "Yeah so I'm just gonna go to the bar with Harry" which somehow makes the girls mouths drop even lower. "What, huh? That's Harry fucking Styles Jess, why aren't you freaking out?" Larny says, knowing how truly obsessed with Harry / One Direction I am. "I am believe me", I whisper this part, "but I am not going to let that ruin this. Harry fucking Styles has just asked to buy me a drink!" I finish. The girls grin and shoo me off. I give Harry a small smile, "Lead the way!"


Thank you for reading! I'm so happy to be writing this and i've got so many ideas going forward :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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