An unpleasant surprise

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Emily looked to Karima, tear stained eyes making contact with each other.
What happened to them?
Why were they so awkward with each other?

The blonde sighed. "I've...decided to retire. Properly. Like I'm not going to be playing professionally for any club either."
She then looked around. "So I...thought about moving here to be with you."

It definitely took Karima back. "I'd..." now it was her turn to sigh "definitely take it."
She stretched her arms out. "I miss having you around."
It didn't take long for Emily to jump into the hug and for a moment, the good times were back.

Over the next couple of weeks, things were going well. The couple seemed to be finally getting back on track with their relationship and not by a coincidence, Karima was having her friends get back in contact with her.
Although it pained her that they ditched her like they did, Mendoza-Sonnett knew she had to be the more mature person in the picture.

It was now January of the following year, 2025.
Karima and Emily were enjoying the winter break the WSL players had been giving and were casually rewatching the Avengers Endgame when the doorbell rang.
Then it was knocking. Very rapid, as if they urgently needed an answer.
The pair briefly looked at each other before rushing out.
Karima briefly looked at the hole. No. Swinging the door open, she was greeted with the sight of a battered and bruised Ennen Roscoe.

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