People you know interpretation

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You were running through me like water
"Wait, Ennen!" Karima sped after her fellow five year old friend as they burst out the class after finishing the school day.

Now the feeling is leaving me dry
Karima barley finished panting when Ennen hopped onto the bike. Not able to ride one herself, Karima hopped onto the pointy metal bars on the wheels as they whizzed away.

These days we couldn't be farther
Karima walked as fast as she could past Ennen and her new pals. One of them with a joint in his hand hollered "Hey bitch! Heard you can't even ride a bike!" much to the laughter of everyone else, Ennen included.

So how's it feel to be on the other side?
"Ennen Roscoe!" Miss Kenneth hollered. "You've not given me homework for the 8th straight week!" The teen blearily looked at her English teacher. "Hmm?" Was all she could muster.
Emma turned to Karima. "Is she on the other side of the planet or something?"

So many wasted nights with you
Ennen and Karima both laid back against each other as they watched the dusk. This was perfect .

I still can taste it, I hate it
wish I could take it back because
Things were so innocent. Then Ennen handed Karima a cigarette. Not wanting to seem like a pussy, she took and gave a puff, the bitter smoke instantly clogging up her lungs. She hated its taste.

We used to be close,
but people can go
from people you know
to people you don't
Walking down the streets, Karima heard an older man shout at a grubby looking teen. As she approached them walking past, Karima recognised the girl. Well she didn't . Ennen Roscoe was a state, tear stained with dark rings around her eyes.

And what hurts the most
is people can go
from people you know
to people you don't

It pained Karima to see Ennen like this. Even when she yelled her name, no words seemed to come out and although her former friend looked at her, her face was if she wasn't recognisable.

We used to be close but people can go
from people you know to people you

"Do you know her?" The man demanded. Giving one look at Ennen, Karima went with the painful answer. "I don't ."

And what hurts the most is people can go
from people you know
to people you don't

"Get away from me!" Ennen screamed. Karima looked at her. Mumbling a quick "Sorry Ennen."
The kid got even more annoyed. "I don't know you!" She roared. "Get away from me!" A slap was delivered to Karima's face.

When we were good, we were on fire
"You know," Kerry shuffles up to an eight year old Karima. "How are you and En so close?"

Now I'm breathing in Ash and Dust
Once again Karima was walking past Ennen and her friends. The now recognisable smell of the cigarettes, joints etc were following her about.

I always wanna get higher
" I wish we lived next to each other." A ten year old Karima grumbled to her closest pal. "Why?" Ennen propped her elbow up. "I wanna be closer." Mendoza admitted.

I never know when enough is enough
"What?" Mum laughed. But her daughter was serious. "Mama, why can't we live next to Ennen and her family?" The woman was amused. "We already have visits and sleepovers with them? Isn't that enough?" Maya entered the kitchen. "It's not like you're going to be friends with her forever." Her older sister quipped.

So many wasted nights with you
The pair of kids silently cheered when the clock reached midnight. "I wish we could do this every night." Ennen whispered. Karima looked to her best friend. "Me too." She agreed.

I still can taste it, I hate it, wish I could take it back 'cause
"Well it's midnight." Karima watched a puff of smoke from Ennen's cigarette go up into the dark sky. The horrible taste was unavoidable.

We used to be close,
but people can go from people you know
to people you don't
"She's ok," The man nudged Ennen. "She just needs Daddy's dick that's all."

And what hurts the most is people can go from people you know to people you don't
Karima was physically sick. She turned away and was about to walk, when she heard her name.

We used to be close but people can go to people you know to people you don't
Karima turned around to see her childhood best friend. She opened her mouth to say something else, but the man dragged her away.

And what hurts the most is people can go from people you know to people you don't
Karima was tempted to go after Ennen. But she felt sick at what she had become.

We used to be close but people can go from people you know to people you don't
"It feels like," Karima confessed to Emma, "I don't know her anymore."

And what hurts the most is people can go from people you know to people you don't
Kerry walked past them with a smirk on her face. "You know En was only friends with you because she felt bad."

We used to be close but people can go from people you know to people you don't
Karima saw Ennen the next day after she saw her with the man. She felt bad for leaving her. Karima decided to speak up.

And what hurts the most is people can go from people you know to people you don't
"I'm sorry Ennen." Karima told her. Roscoe looked as if she was going to respond before hearing her friends call out to her and turning around to join them.

As the song ended, so did the memories. Karima opened her eyes and shut her phone. They had now arrived at the airport. Karima paid before thanking the driver and getting out the car.

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