Chapter 2

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Note: words written in italics are Kongpob's talking with sign language so that you can understand it better.


Arthit looked around the cafeteria, searching for that one person but he couldn't find him anywhere.

"Arthit, what are you looking at?" Knott asked his friend.

"Oh, nothing Knott," Arthit replied turning his attention to Knott.

"Well, uncle is calling you. Go and meet him."

Arthit nodded his head and asked his friend to order his food while he meets his father.

Arthur winked at a girl who was starting at him from a table for a long time. He laughed as he walked away seeing the girl's face turn red.

Arthit walked to the director's room and knocked on the door before entering inside.

"Good afternoon Mr.Director," Arthit chuckle when he saw the man roll his eyes.

The middle-aged man looked at Arthit and chuckled.

"Come sit Arthit."

Arthit nodded his head and sat on the chair in front of the man.

"So, how were the classes? Any problems?" The man asked.

"The classes are nice. And there's no problem. And as usual, all students are over me because my dad Mr David is the director of this big university," Arthit chuckled.

David laughed at his son's words.

"Well, got any person who is interested in?" David raised his eyes. He knows his son very much, wherever he goes he can see Arthit falling for someone but never approaching them.

The face of the young man he saw in class immediately came to his mind at his father's question. A small smile already forming on his lips.

"Well, I'm not sure but will tell you when I find that person," Arthit smiled.

David smiled back at his son, "Sure son, go and have your lunch now."

"You too dad, don't overwork. You'll soon become old," Arthit stood up.

"Who's your old man? You don't know your dad Arthit," David smirked at his son.

"Yeah yeah, Mr.Director," Arthit laughed before he waved at his father before exiting the room.

Arthit walked towards the cafeteria and his eyes landed on a lone figure near the cafeteria garden. Sitting alone on a bench and eating some sandwich.

A smile bloomed on Arthit's face when he recognised the man as the same man he had been waiting to encounter with.

Arthit walked towards the man sitting on the bench, he could hear the girls squealing at him but he ignored it. For him, the mission was to get to know the man.


Arthit saw the man freeze for a moment before he looked up at him.

Arthit felt as if the time had stopped itself. Those eyes that were staring at him now looked soo beautiful and flawless like the man's sun-kissed skin. Arthit felt attracted to those eyes.

Arthit snapped out of his thoughts when a hand was waved in front of him.

"Huh? Oh...hmm...hi, sorry for staring like that. I...I just want to talk to you," Arthit tried to speak.

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