Mystery and Fortune

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   Tan awoke in a weird bed in a place that he didn't recognize. The shades weren't crimson but pure gold, and the bed was a king, unlike his own twin. It was soft but smelled unused. The sheets felt of silk and looked of silver. The covers themselves looked like they were made of rubies. Everything looked perfect, the sheets weren't even wrinkled. Tan laughed at the attention he paid to the details.

   "Are you conscious, Mr. Viscus? If you are would you like medication?" Yukito waltzed into the room with an air of superiority that Tan had never recognized before. Thankfully that dropped as soon as the door was closed. Yukito dropped to his knees and hugged Tan in a tight embrace. "Oh, thank heaven that you are okay Tan. I've been so worried. Are you hurt? do you need anything? Food, water, oxygen, anything? Oh dear, I'm rambling aren't I? Okay answer the questions."

   "O-oxy-oxygen," Tan gasped. Yukito blushed and let go of Tan allowing him to take a deep breath. "Where have you been? I thought you were in trouble, kidnapped or even worse: in jail," rampaged a slightly asphyxiated Tan. " And no, I just want to know what the fuck happened too you."

   "I am an Angel, a strange being with the ability to save humans from forces known only as Demons. Angels can heal, fly, and many other things. Demons have most of these powers and the power to steal human souls through contracts. We can stop them by making contracts, giving wishes with no exchange. Are there any questions?" Yukito inquired after finishing his short lecture.

   "Yes, how the flip does that answer my question on what happened to you?" Tan inquired right back, feeling awe of what he had been told. Suddenly he didn't want to curse in front of Yukito.

   "I am explaining as much as I can right now," Yukito said slowly, as though he was slightly annoyed at the direction there conversation had turned. " I should also explain that since I didn't have to get permission for you to enter this compound you are..."

   " An Angel... the 14th found in your town alone, " A voice materialized through the air. " Come on child, you need training," The owner of the voice materialized and he was at least 6 foot tall, had long purplish hair, and was exceptionally beautiful. He was slim but not too slim, had perfect almond shaped silver eyes and snow white skin. He looked a little like the thing that had attacked him at school, just taller and sweeter.

   " Wait a minute, I still have to say good-bye to my family, my friends, my house, my dog, my sister, and Shin-Li's grave," Tan explained. "I definitely can not go through any kind of special training."

   "Fine, but you won't want to stay there for very long. If you do Demons will attack you and your family," said the other Angel seeming to understand perfectly. "You probably shouldn't stay for more than one night." He turned to Yukito, " Well waht are you waiting for? Go and take him down to earth."

   "Yes Akira-sama, right away" Yukito smiled as he said this. More alone time with Tan. Yukito's back shivered as wings materialized, causing Tan to make a small noise in surprise.

  "Yukito, where is the Angel Base located?" Tan asked, looking back he saw the look of excitement in Yukito's eyes. The look held the fire of passion and excitement causing Tan to guess somewhere high in the sky. Tan imagined floating castles with white stones and walls, a floating fortress against Demon kind in which Angels could look over earth because Yukito was always happier the higher up he got.

  "On the moon, where else would Angels be able to look over all of the Earth, certainly not Japan." Yukito told him, plainly happy at the thought of Tan losing it, but he had a job to do.

  "The... The moon? Why the hell can't it just be a f-freaking c-castle in the freaking s-sky...? Why can't it be in Kyoto? Why not your house... but the moon?" Tan exclaimed losing it on the moon!!! (Yukito may or may not have been aroused at this.)

  "Calm down or else we will fall when I am flying us past the atmosphere, and you can't shield yet," He explained to him while poorly concealing his desire to laugh at the calming attempts. Tan was about to lose it again when he felt strong lean arms grab him around the waist and lifting him high into the sky. Yukito started flying while distracting Tan with information about the wings that were on his back and the sources of Angelic power. He explained that  most of the powers that Angels exhibit are triggered by an image in the head, which acts as a trigger. By the time they got down to earth and saw Tans house he understood almost everything about basic theory on angelic ability.

   Tan and Yukito ended up in his room without his parents notice, and when he went down stairs they acted as though he had gotten home with his sister as usual. It seemed that Yukito had messes with their minds, and that was confirmed When they called Yukito Shihiro.

  "Shihiro, Tan you finally get down stairs, we were wondering if you were still alive," Tan's mother said, her eyes seemed glazed by golden light, as though no one was home. Tan had a feeling that if he asked for one hundred thousand yen, she would have given it to him without any questions.

  "Mother, I have to get some sleep, Shihiro is staying the night though, is that okay?" Tan asked, already knowing the answer but going through the motions anyway.

  "Yes son, of course, we are just glad to have you here," Both his parents said compliantly. "We love you and we will always love you, even when you leave us." And he and Yukito where off back to the moon.


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