• Ladies First •

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AN: Hey guys! Here's the update I promised! Please be aware that I still make mistakes, so if you see any within this work, just ignore them please. I've used two grammar checkers and have proofread it several times. That doesn't mean it'll be perfect! So please just keep that in mind! Anyway, I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading ~

!! // teen!ryan x teen!shane | 16-17 ish \\ !!

"No, Ryan." Shane sighed and pulled his coat tighter around him as he followed far behind the shorter boy. The crisp fall air set the tone for their adventure today, the wind was howling in the distance slightly. "This isn't your best idea."

Ryan glanced back at Shane as he kept walking up the hill towards the old abandoned house. "You're just scared!" He shouted to be heard over the wind. He turned back around and walked quicker, anticipation coursing through his veins.

Ryan LIVED for exploring anything and everything. He had been like this ever since he was a little tyke. Sometimes it caused trouble for his parents, but all in all, they thought this trait was endearing. Some people find it to be one of his more annoying traits. Some people is just Shane actually because Ryan doesn't have many other friends.

Shane and Ryan. Ryan and Shane. They met about a month and a half ago when Shane moved in across the street. He had seemed like the shy type at first when Ryan took it upon himself to say hello. Turns out that Shane is just socially awkward around new people. Ryan was pleased with how well their friendship has been going so far. They had gone on many adventures before school started, and they still hang out now that school is in session.

That brings them to today's adventure. The haunted Sara Belle House. It had been abandoned for over fifty years and remains abandoned to this day. Families that have moved in, moved out within just a couple of hours the same day. Ryan has always been fascinated with it ever since he first heard about it. Luckily for him, it's only a ten-minute walk from his house.

Ryan stopped at the front of the house, grinning like a madman, just taking in the sight. Shane jogged the rest of the way and was beside him within a matter of seconds. "Why do you think this is a good idea again?" The taller asked, looking between Ryan and the Ouija Board that the smaller was holding.

Ryan let out a dry chuckle. "I never said it was a good idea. I just said it was an idea. Come on, what's the worst that could happen? Just trust me on this one, Shane." He strode forward, up the stairs on the porch, and looked back at Shane. "Please." He was giving Shane his best puppy dog eyes.

Shane huffed and rolled his eyes. "Fine." Was all he said as he followed in suit. He wasn't happy about what Ryan had planned, but he was happy he was with Ryan. He would never admit it, but the dummy had grown on him some.

Ryan's grin grew as he held open the door to the house. "Ladies first, Madej." He knew he was testing his limits, but it was just so fun to get Shane riled up.

Shane just shook his head and walked in the house, deciding not to give Ryan the attention he was looking for. He paused in the foyer and took his time taking everything in. "So what's this history about this house? Why is it supposedly haunted?"

Ryan closed the door and stood by Shane. "I've always heard there was this old woman, Sara Belle, that died in vain. Apparently, her first two husbands cheated on her, so by the time she was marrying her third husband, the second one returned in a fit of rage and killed him." He shrugged and swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "So, uh, after that, Ms. Belle was left in the house all by herself with only a maid to keep her company. By this point, Belle was like 75-80 ish, and some believe that she and the maid had something going on. Anyway, Ms. Belle was murdered in her sleep by strangulation, and the maid was never heard from again after that."

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