Chapter 2

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Im happy you guys are liking the story so far! There will be some potentially heavy stuff just wanna let you know but ill put a trigger warning for before so you guys will know ahead of time! Also im sorry if it takes a little long to update i am busy alot despite the whole quarantine thing still going on, i work for most of the day and then the free time i actually do have i use it to read my drivers book so i can get my drivers license! Also like i said months ago i have been getting bored with wattpad thats why i left to begin with besides me wanting to focus on actual stories so please understand if i dont post right away ill do my best to get these chapters out but sometimes i just dont have the motivation sometimes! ❤ anyway back to the story!

A couple of hours later, Rachel was sitting at the kitchen table biting into her toast when a headline on the morning TV show caught her attention.

“Finn Hudson cancelled the rest of publicity tour in Europe for his latest movie ‘Shinning Star’ and mysteriously returned to Los Angeles yesterday. Finn could not be reached for comment, but his publicist has cited a ‘family emergency’ as being the reason for his sudden return. We’ll have more news as it happens…”

“Family emergency huh?” Quinn said as she walked into the room, wrapping her wet hair in a towel before pouring herself a glass of juice.

“Yeah, that’s what he told me too.”

“Any idea what it is?” Quinn asked.

“Are you asking as general conversation, or are you asking for a story?” Rachel asked.

“I am shocked you would even think that of me?” Quinn said feigning offence at what Rachel was implying.

“Two words – Jamie Oliver.”

“Oh c’mon, that was different.”

“How?” Rachel raised her eyebrow.

“My editor was on my back for a story.”

“Well you can tell your editor that I do not have anything on Finn that the world would be interested to hear.” Rachel said, putting her dirty plate in the dishwasher. “Now I am off to work. I’ll see you tonight.”


Rachel had been back almost a week and had returned to her usual routine – double shifts at the restaurant and going out with Quinn. Part of Quinn's job was to review local bands so they generally spent their weekends hanging out at different clubs checking out the live bands. It was a good gig, as they never had to line up for clubs, or pay for entry. The bartenders got to know them really well too so they could usually score themselves free drinks.

It was Friday night and Rachel was halfway through the dinner shift. It was busier than usual as the experienced kitchen-hand had called in sick, and the new guy wasn’t yet up to speed. Rachel spent half the night teaching him how to grill the chicken without making it too tough, or how to cook the steak so it was still red but not raw.

“Rachel, VIP customer at table nine.” Amy said, putting in the order.

VIP customers were generally either celebrities, sports stars, politicians or food critics. Rachel generally only got nervous when it was the latter. She felt the rest could eat food that was good enough for the rest of the population. Amy did care though, and always made Rachel take extra care with VIP orders. They were given priority and had to be well presented. The kitchen staff would try to get info out of the waitresses as to who was in the restaurant, and sneak a peak if it was anyone really famous. Tonight no one had time to sneak out as it was so busy.

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