Chapter five

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I stayed in my place. I had squished myself as far back in the back of the room as I possibly could. I felt like I had been sitting on the cold floor for hours, but in reality it couldn't of been more than an hour.

I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and my immediate response was to flinch. I looked up to see Bonnie staring at me from the doorway. He didn't move at first, he only stayed in one spot. I tried to veer farther into the corner, but I couldn't move anymore. He walked up to me, I could hear the motors in his joints whirr as he moved.

He towered over me, he was already so much taller than me when I stood, but now I was sitting down. I was barely even 1/4 his size, Bonnie dropped something in my lap. I looked at it and sighed with relief. It was my backpack!

I reached into my bag and pulled out my phone, I pressed the power button and was immediately blinded. 2:03 was read clearly in the center of the screen. This was going to take forever, a little under four hours left of this.

Bonnie just continued to stand over me, just staring at me. It was incredible creepy, I looked up at him. Am I supposed to act nice to him? I don't want to die.

"S-so," I tried to stammer out, I felt like a wreck. How do you talk your way out of being murdered? How do the girls do it in all of those creepypasta fanfics? I collected myself and looked up at the animatronic with big eyes. Ah fuck, I don't know what to say.

"Why... why are you helping me?" I asked him, I hope that wasn't the wrong question to ask. He stared at me for a bit, I sat criss cross applesauce to show I was more comfortable, even though I really wasn't.

There was an extremely uncomfortable silence. Bonnie only stared down at me, but I heard a sudden whirr. "I... guess it has something to do with how we are programmed.." Bonnie said, it was something that actually interested me. I looked up at him out of curiosity, waiting for him to continue.

  After a long enough pause, I realized he wasn't going to explain. I cleared my throat as quietly as I could, "how are you... programmed?"

  There was still a silence that loomed in the air, but it was more comfortable almost. It was a silence I could bear, one I didn't mind sitting in.

  "When we were made, we were created solely with the children in mind. We were entertainers. We would walk around and play with the kids, put on shows and sing. But as a precaution, we were also made to instinctively protect the kids. In case of any emergencies. That's why it was such a shock when the... bite..." Bonnie stopped talking. There was this sad dip in his tone, and for a split second, I felt... sad... for him.

  I wasn't just a girl trying to get through the week without dying. I wasn't a liar sitting on the floor trying to coax a killer into not killing me. I felt like a person just trying to comfort another being. I didn't know what to do, do I hug him?

  That's how I comfort all of my friends, but none of my friends have tried to kill me and are giant rabbit robots. Bonnie just stared, but not at me. It was as if he was looking right through me. This hundred mile stare directed towards me, and it made me sad.

  I wanted to comfort him. It was just my instinct to help people, which I guess explained why I reached up for his hand. It was cold, and hard, and I could feel a slight trace of rust in several places against my skin. I felt awkward and uncomfortable. But I gave him a slight smile, and I patted his hand before letting go.

  "It's okay," I said, he slightly cocked his head. As if he was confused by my words. It was weird to watch him stare at me in deep thought, but he let out what sounded like a sigh.

  "I don't think I've had anyone listen to me talk before. Never seriously. Never... I've never been comforted before," he said, his voice seemed to almost shake. If I didn't know it was impossible, I'd say he was about to cry. There was this off loneliness in his voice. I felt a twinge if pain in my chest. This feeling of guilt, sadness, and pity circulated in me.

  Curse my caring nature.


  I don't think I understand.

  At my feet sat a human girl. One I held in my clutches. One I was on the verge of killing. And she held my hand.

  I've never had someone hold my hand before. A small child leading you somewhere was different. I expected it to all feel the same, like contact. A touch I couldn't directly feel, but only sense. But when her hand touched mine, and she gave me that soft smile. I felt... warm.

"It's okay" she told me. I don't think anyone has told me that. I don't think anyone has ever cared about my emotions before.

  We are just seen as these... robots. Advanced and with free will, but I don't think anyone notices our sentience. Our artificial intelligence... our ability to feel emotions. I remember feeling just like every one else that I looked at in that room, but no one saw me like them. Because I didn't look like them, so I couldn't be like them... right?

  But here sat this girl. This small girl. Who gave me the warmest smile and the warmest feelings. She just sat at my feet and I felt a feeling I don't think I've felt before.

I felt cared for.

I felt important. And I wanted to tell her. There was this urge of wanting to talk about all of the warm feelings in my chest. I wanted to tell her about how she was the first person that cared about me, and tell her that I'm that exact moment I felt like it was only the two of us that existed in the world.

  There was the moment where I didn't think of how I was like all of the people in the world. I only thought of how sweet she was. I could only think of her and how her words affected me. But she yawned.

  She leaned her head back against the wall, and on her face I saw the expression of hundreds of children right before the fell asleep in their parents arms and left.

  "I'm so tired..." she whispered, but she didn't close her eyes like those children. She didn't curl up with a smile on her face, seeking for the closest warm thing to cling to. Instead she just looked at me with a sleepy smile, a yawn passing through her lips. "I can't sleep. I've been so..." she stopped.

  I waited for her words to continue, I wanted to hold onto every word she spoke. Why did I care so much about what she says? But she didn't continue. She just closed her eyes for a few seconds and then opened them. 

  "Why don't you just sleep now?" I asked, I could see a range of emotions cross her face. Some I didn't understand, others I did. Like the look of not wanting to admit something. Sadness. Pain. Nervousness. I made her uncomfortable. I didn't want that.

  I didn't want my presence to bother her. So I left. I turned on my heel and left the room. I didn't want her to be uncomfortable, and it only makes sense that me leaving would make her feel better.

  As I stepped out of the room, I heard sniffling. I've heard enough children crying to their parents to recognize it. But children were so much louder.

  I could hear whimpering, she started breathing hard and I could hear her soft sobs. She was in pain... I think. I don't know any other reason why she would cry.

  I'd heard crying before. Loud crying. Pleading. But I've never heard this, it made my chest hurt. I couldn't help but wonder if that sound was the action related to the sadness I felt inside me. It was so distant, and I found myself turning back in the room to see her covering her face with her hands.

  I walked up to her, and I leaned down to put my hand on her shoulder. She looked over her hands at me, and I smiled the best I could.

  "It's okay"

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