|Chapter 8| |Seto|

Start from the beginning

Out of everyone you knew in the palace naturally you needed a figure high up and out of the high priests which served the Pharaoh you felt your best bet for answers and advice was Seto. Naturally he had taught you almost everything you knew here, he'd been on the most outings with you and you felt a closeness with him through that you just didn't have with others in the palace. Knowing his personality you also knew if he believed Phut was doing a subpar job he would certainly make that opinion clear.

Deciding that visiting him was the best plan of attack instead of studying more or returning to your room you instead went to his. Knocking on the door three times you waited a moment before the familiar deep tones ordered for whoever was knocking to enter. You did just that and he looked up from his desk, papers stacked on them, at you his features morphed into a look of puzzlement.

"Sekhmet, I assume from that grim look on your face this is hardly a social call" he said and leaned back from the desk giving you his attention.

"It's not, I don't think you'd allow me to stay on a social visit" you responded dryly and he just rolled his eyes on the comment.

"Very well, sit, what's the matter?" he asked pulling out a second chair to the desk.

"It's this... fight" you said taking a seat.

"You doubt you can do it?" He asked.

"Well... Yes and no, for starters what sort of fight is it? Hand to hand combat? Are kas involved? Magic?" You asked the clarity could help you prepare.

"Phut doesn't use magic, she never had an affinity for it, your one of the few at the palace who do even if it is basic defence and offence" he explained.

"Oh... I assumed that everyone in the palace would be able to use it to some degree" you said.

"The priests and Pharaoh can all fight competently as well as use kas that's the only certainty, as for your question the fight will be to test the entirety of your skills, feel free to use kas and magic in combination with your normal fighting, just remember that Phut will be throwing everything at you" he warned.

"That's my next question, what is she like?" You asked "I mean I've only managed to speak to her once, she doesn't strike me as a war advisor, she's hardly even here" you sighed.

Seto took a moment and ran a hand through his hair like he was debating what to say next a look of irritation on his features. Was he going to give you a half answer as well? Brush you off with some half explanation?

"In terms of fighting prowess Phut was already a member of the court when I arrived, she was unparalleled and a force to be reckoned with I spent some of my first trips outside the palace with her" he began "however recently she shirks her duty as if it is some kind of optional task, her reasonings, if we get any at all, for battle direction are weak and basic, I can't even remember the last time I saw or even heard that she fought" he sighed.

"If she fights with the same skill as when I first arrived it won't be easy I promise you that, but I'm more inclined to tell you that she'll probably throw the entire thing just to get out of her position as quickly as possible" he clearly wasn't pleased.

"But... If she's so incompetent why is she still here? What is she so desperate to leave for?" You asked confused as to how a member of the court could get away with acting like that especially one who'd proven themselves to be such an asset.

"I suppose it's the Pharaoh's loyalty to his court, he treats us more like friends than underlings, he values her opinions even if I personally find them to be lacking" his tone was laced with a familiar venom "as for what she's so obsessed with I can only guess it has to do with Ra, the sun god has had a surge in disciples and everything she owns seems to have some symbol of Ra carved into it in homage, I care very little for what she wants to waste her life on so I never bothered finding out what silly little club she wanted to run off to" he explained.

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