Face time

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Riley PoV
So, my mom said yes. We went into my room and we decided to face time Tomika, Y/n's cousin.
•Face time•
T- hey Y/n what's up? I've heard the news
Y- yup, it's true I'm coming and someone is coming with me
T- who?
Y- Tomika meet Riley, Riley meet Tomika
R- hey I'm so glad to meet you!
T- me too, how's the bulling thing going on  I heard both of you is getting bullied
R- yup and it's kinda getting worse, we've been kinda following their rules
Y- yeah, that's way we are moving
T- okay, tell me about yourself Riley
R- okay, I'm Riley Matthews, 14,  favorite color is Pink from New York City
T- nice, you're like my friend Summer, she is coming with us tomorrow
Y- we'll I can't wait to meet her
R- me too
T- we all need school supplies and she wants to go shopping
R- how about you Tomika? Your the opposite of me and Summer?
T- yeah I'm way opposite, but if I had a date I might wear a dress or a skirt. I'm definitely a tomboy
Y- I'm a mixture of both
T- sounds like you
R- yeah, that's sounds very true but I don't only wear skirts or dresses
Y- yeah  that's also true, we have to go start packing Riley's stuff so tomorrow we could do mine
T- well I'll see you went you get here
R- nice meeting you Tomika
T- you too Riley, bye guys
R, Y- bye
•End of Face time•

Y/n PoV
So we just ended our face time with Tomika. It was short buy we don't have loads of time. We grabbed Riley's luggage and start packing stuff.
Y- what do you want to bring?
R- only some and we will buys some there and I want to pack some shoes,  make up, and accessories.
Y- me too, I wonder if we will find some new guys their
R- yeah, I want to get over Lucas
Y- really? I'm proud of you Riles but are you sure?
R- I mean we won't see him in a long time, I can't like him forever he might like another girl, you want to get over Farkle?
Y- yup, and the same reason, Riley you want to bring this
R- yep, and I don't want to bring this one. I wonder id I would change when I get there?
Y- nahh.. I don't think so. How about these you want to bring these?
R- not that one but I want to bring that one
Y- okay

In a couple of hours,  we are almost done. Just a tiny bit more and..... Done Finally! Now I want to eat
R- Done Finally!
Y- I want to eat
R- let's go to eat dinner
To- you guys done?
Y- yeah that's why we went out here
R- we are starving
To- just in time
Y- really
R- good timing

We've ate then we got ready for bed. After we used our phones for awhile then we went to sleep.

•The next day•
Riley PoV
So we are now going to Y/n house so we could do hers. My dad said that he would drive us to the airport with Y/n dad. We go inside their  house and we started packing Y/n clothes. I wonder what my dad said to my friends. Hopefully he will lie and great one. I know we are not supposed to lie but they will know when we get there, not a problem right? You might be saying me Riley Matthews want to lie? I just want to so when they figure out they can't get to us. I don't want any questions okay. I love my friends but I can't face them after this. If they know about this they would want to figure out why I want to do this and they would make me chose. I don't want to chose, I want to move and start over. My bully focus on one boy. Lucas. Only because I like him. And  that's also another reason I want to leave. I want to get over Lucas. Anyway we better continue packing so we could have some sleep later. We have to wake up early tomorrow.

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