Chapter 16: "You don't get Belgian waffles in Belgium!"

Start from the beginning

“We are done arguing over your stupidity.”

                “No we are done arguing over your stupidity.” He really looked like he was going to kill me now. Come at me bro!

                “I am not talking to you. It’s like arguing with a two year old,” Batman said. He took calming breaths. Even though I could tell he was as pissed off as much as my dad was when I told him I crashed into a snow bank trying to drift in my truck but I said more like the big mouth I am.

                “Yeah, well, you're like a one year old!” Batman slammed on his breaks. I yipped and was slammed forward. Since I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt I slammed my face into the dashboard. I think he did this on purpose. Releasing his anger Batman laughed at me. I groaned and rubbed my face that hurt like a son of a biscuit. 

                I looked around noticing we were at the airport. I let out an excited scream and covered my face with my hands. My legs had a twitching problem as they got excitement. I looked over at Batman and grinned at him. I started shaking his arm and he let out a small short chuckle. This fucker was lying! We are going to London! I thought we had to meet the Boss in Mexico? Maybe they realized how amazing us girls are and are protecting us. I grinned in tribute, jumping out of the car.

Batman sent me a wink as he walked around the car to me. I slapped his chest, hard. Five star!  He scowled and sent me a nasty glare.

“You liar! We are going to London!” I shouted making people look at us. Batman told me to shut up and start walking.

“We’re not going to London but we are going to England,” Batman said like he outsmarted me not that he could I am way smarter than him.  

“Shirtless roundabout!” I yelled while jumping up and down clapping my hands adding a hip thrust in every once and a while. I looked like a retarded seal with a hip replacement. Batman gave me a weird look. Looking around I saw the rest of the group but Henry. Batman and I joined their pose.  

“Ok we have a plane waiting to take us to England. Now don’t you girls get any idea,” Justin mumbled so low that I almost didn’t hear. We all nodded but all of us had a big smile on our faces.  I finally get to drink legally, fuck yeah bitches!    

                “Lexi,” Justin growled.

                “I said that out loud didn’t I?” I asked, hanging my head. I saw Justin nod his head from the corner of my eye.

                “Really loudly too,” Luke said irritated. I rolled my lips into my teeth.

                 “What you don’t want to flirt with me?” Julia asked Ta. Ta looked at her with a pissed off expression.

“I don’t flirt with sluts,” Ta replied looking around the airport.

Julia held her hand to her heart and wailed, “It hurts.” Julia started fake crying. Wow, she could be an actress. She had big fat tears rolling down her face. They are coming hot and heavy like lava. They are making a scene.

                “Oh, so you guys yell at me but not them? I see how it is,” I said stomping away from them like a three year old.

                “Lexi!” Batman shouted.

                “There’s enough Julia love to go around!”  Julia shouted. She started to run towards me with open arms.

                “Baby!” I shouted at her. I ran in slow motion to her. I jumped onto her arms but little did I know she had no intention of catching me. I slammed ass first into the marble floor of the airport floor. I cringed. I got an ass bruise now, so not attractive.

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