Hello Everick and Emberly

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Josefa POV

After about 2 hours of the doctors coming in and out of my room. They come back in and say that the babies are Healthier then ever. After they say that they roll them in it the little thing and give them to me one at a time. When the doctor leaves I ask Victor to hand me Everick. When he hands me Everick we hear a knock on the door. Victor goes and gets the door. It was Thomas and Julie. Julie was 7 months pregnant and was way smaller than me when I was so you could tell she was only caring one baby but they were waiting until I got out of the hospital to find out the gender of there baby. Hey guys they said hey. Julie comes right over to the bed and says can I hold him. Yeah you can and Thomas then asks to hold Emberly. So what's there names they asked. The baby Julie is holding name is Everick Asher Puentes, the baby you are holding Thomas is Emberly Paisleigh Puentes. Those names are really cute how did you pick them. Well I liked some of the name's since I was little and Victor really liked them so he let me have the names the way I wanted them. Aw that's so sweet. How far apart were the born. I want to say about an hour apart from each other. Wow good job can't wait until they get older and you dress them up. Me neither but not at the same time lol.
After they leave Johnny comes in with my little siblings. They run up and hug me and say what does the baby look like. They were the only ones who didn't get that there were two babies. They are good sweetie. Do you guys want to hold them. As I say that I look up and Johnny already is ahead of the game. Victor hands me Emberly.i have my siblings both in my lap and they are now holding the little nice. She is so cute. I know sweetie. You want to know something else. Yeah yeah we do they said. You guys are her aunt and uncle and to the baby that Johnny is holding to. Yeah to the baby he is holding to.  Johnny already knew there name's. After they left Victor had a surprise guest that I knew about to because I help plan this with Javi and Lupa. When the guest walked in Victor was asleep on the couch. The guest went of to Victor and woke him up. What what's happening is something wrong. Once he calms down he noticed who it was it was his dad. Bruno Puentes. Dad!! He yells. Shhhh the babies are a sleep Victor I know you are happy but I don't want to have to get them back to sleep. Babies his dad questions. Yeah so some stuff happened and well here we are. Aren't you only a junior in high school. Yes we are but we are still going to go to school right now is summer break. His dad looks at me and back at Victor you got a beautiful girl there now you better keep her. I plan on it he says while saying that he gets past his dad and everyone comes in the room when he gets down on one nee and ask will you do me the honor and make me even more happy and be my wife. Yesss I will be. Man you done gone stole my heart and my Gene's for those babies  and now its my last name how am I so lucky. After all that everyone else holds the babies and says how cute they are. After a while of talking and everything everyone goes home and I look over to see this.

 After a while of talking and everything everyone goes home and I look over to see this

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He is so happy and comfortable with them to only have now seen them for 24 hours. We just got told by the doctors that we get to leave tomorrow and take them home with us. Plus here soon we are going to get pictures of us all.

Hey guys I know it has been a while I'm sorry but I had ran out of ideas so I'm sorry for the long time gone but ideas are starting to come.
But please please leave a comment saying and idea so it gives me a little something to add to it. Love you guys hope to here from you soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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