my life

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darkness, darkness and movement, that's all I could see. i had fallen from the surface and i felt like i had been hit with a rock, i can hear laughter from a distance.

f"oh, ya aren't from around here are ya?" a flower said, witch kind of made me unsettled.

fr"no I'm not. who and what the hell are you?" i say still laying an the ground kind of annoyed, exhausted, and in pain.

f"oh my apologies! it seams i have forgotten my mannas. I'm flowy the flower!" the weird flower said in a oddly cheerful manner. 'this guy is hell a creepy.' i thought to myself.

f"whats ya're name?" the flower continued to be odd.

fr"I'm frisk, why are you acting so freaking weird?"i asked confused as i struggled to stand, nearly hurting myself even more if possible.

f"oh this is just the way i am!" flowy said still a little too cheerful.

fr"yeah...I'm gonna go and uh."i say limping away 'god. this is just brilliant i can't walk!'i thought to myself. 'Raug! i hate this!'

f"oh ya're hurt. you know love in you're heart can heal you're body! i can share some with ya!"flowy said as i look at him concerned and completely confused 'what the actual fuck!!! is he suggesting the nasty!?'i screamed to myself.

fr"no thanks....i need to be going!" i yell as i put on a half smile, before attempting to leave.

f"oh but don't you want to get betta?"flowy said nearly convincing.

fr"like i said i uh...don't think I'll need it."i say trying to go faster,as i manage to almost get a full meter away from him, he began to shoot petals at me and i dodged them all making my leg feel like it was broken.

f"why'd you avoid the bule.. i mean love petals?" flowy said and i didn't respond, out of nowhere he started to talk in a demonic voice.

f"YOU STUPID KID!"flowy said nearly scaring me off my feat, his face now has black eyes and his mouth has fangs!

f"LOOKS LIKE I'M TAKING YOU'RE SOLE!"flowy said as he was about to attack with petle bullets,a blast of some sort of bright white fire hit flowy making him vanish, i was so confused.

t"you poor thing, being attacked by a fowl creature such as flowy."a familiar voice said to me but i couldn't place it, i never turned to them because of the flames wer holding my vision in place.

i lost way too much blood, i collapsed on my hands and nees,before i knew it i past out, i awoke to the smell of butterscotch pie filling the room, the bed i was in was purple with blue swirls.

i looked around the room remaining in the bed,and i saw a butterscotch pie sitting next to me on the knight stand, 'OK, my day just got weirder' i thought to myself, i struggled to get up,  i sat myself up seeing my purple and blue striped sweeter covered in dirt, With that I took a small bite out of the golden crisped pie, and it was amazing!!

Fr"Oh my..!" I managed to say with a mouth full, it was a sensation on my taste buds, i felt like i had just found magic inside me making fireworks go off.

This was the most delicious thing I have ever inhaled. I was delighted that some one left this for me, I took the plate out of the room to find the sink, i was struggling because of my wounds, only to find a monster, but, she didn't scare me, i, I can't say how though, but she was familiar to me.

under tale of a not so human girl.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن