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"Your voice is velvet through a telephone
You can come to mine, but both my roommates are home
Think I know a bar where they would leave us alone
And I wonder if you'd take it slow"


Clarke wasn't sure what she was expecting when Lexa invited her to dinner. From what she had gathered, Lexa's (temporary) roommate, Octavia, was the hostess of said dinner, not her. She isn't even sure Octavia knew Lexa invited her. Her introduction to Octavia's friends had been... interesting, to say the least.

Bellamy, Lincoln, and Anya were the strangest triplet Clarke had ever met. Bellamy is Octavia's brother, and Clarke learns very quickly that he is a very horrible flirter. Not even five minutes after Clarke sits down beside Lexa, he starts trying to make conversation with her. Calls her pretty. She doesn't know how to tell him she isn't interested.

Lincoln is very quiet. He speaks up occasionally, but it seems he is only here to appease Octavia. She gets the vibe Lincoln doesn't feel for Bellamy too much either.

Anya is just here for the wine. It's just a feeling Clarke gets about her. She's sure Anya enjoys Octavia's company as well, but it's mostly for the wine. And maybe Lincoln's company, too. But... mostly... the wine.

Lexa's silence throughout the entire dinner is enough to clue into Clarke that she isn't very close with anyone here except for Octavia. She can tell Lexa is very much out of her element. She's not the same adorable, fun woman Clarke had unpackaged a TV with. She's also not the same woman that beat her in seven rounds of Overwatch (Lexa's choice game).

A little later into the evening, they're all sitting on the couch chatting. Lexa looks up at Clarke a few seconds after she finished what Clarke is pretty sure is her third glass of wine. As she gets up to get more, she gives Clarke this follow me look, and Clarke jumps up immediately.

The second they enter the kitchen, Lexa fills her glass and tops off Clarke's. She leans back against the counter, sipping what she just poured for herself. Laughter filters from the living room to the kitchen where the two of them stand.

"I shouldn't have invited you," Lexa sighs, "You're not having fun."

"You don't know that."

"I'm not having fun."

"I can tell."

Lexa's eyes flick over to Clarke's, and Clarke can see a strange emotion swimming in them, "I'm sorry. We just met. I'm not super close with these people. But Octavia..."

"You wanted a friend here. I understand. And, I was having fun talking to you," Clarke argues.

Lexa nods, "I'm still sorry. I should have warned you."

"Who says you have to stay here anyway? Octavia is having a good time," Clarke nods to the living area, which they can see just over the counter. Octavia is laying across Lincoln's lap, laughing at something Bellamy just told her about his boss, Clarke remembers hearing in her subconscious.

"She is," Lexa agrees.

"Why don't we leave, then?"

"What?" Lexa looks confused, "Like... right now?"

"Yeah," Clarke brainstorms things they could go do. They could always go down to Clarke's apartment, but that would be pointless... if they were going to do that, they might as well stay here.

An idea clicks in her mind, "I know a cafe close by that's generally quiet this time of night. Are you interested?"

"Uh..." Clarke sees the way Lexa looks out into the living room. She's anxious she'll upset Octavia, Clarke realizes. She doesn't look like she's going to come up with an answer any time soon, so Clarke takes things into her own hands.

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