"You're not fit for this group."

"Yeah.. I won't."

We got to the filming studio. There were less people than I expected. I guess this quarantine is getting a little serious.

Speaking of which.. How are we allowed to live together?

"Hello!" One of the producers greeted the manager and I.

"Does he need to get prepped?" She asks.

Pyul looks over at me before nodding.

Jeez.. Could've said it.

The producer takes me outside the filming area and to the back hall. She led me to the dressing room where I was greeted by three makeup artists on their phones.

On the other side of the room was a girl, who was getting her makeup done. When I entered, her back was facing me so I couldn't see her face. A makeup artist was covering the mirror so I couldn't take a peak.

I sat down on the vacant chair across the room, and the two girls walked towards me to start prepping me.

Until this day, I have no idea what they put on me. But at least I feel more handsome and confident.
So draining to take off tho...

"Who was that?"
I heard a voice from behind me ask.

It was a very soft squeaky voice. The sounds were so light, it felt like feathers were talking.

The artist who was applying makeup on me asks, "What's your name again, sweety?"

I really need to make a name for myself on this show. My anxiety is starting to swallow me..

"Y/N L/N. From Pillars." I answered, with a slightly loud voice for the mysterious voice to hear.

"Oh! Pillars! Oh my god! WOLF!" the mysterious voice shouts with excitement.

She knows my nickname. Who is this girl?

I kinda moved away from the artists' hands and turned around to check who it was.

She was already turned towards me, her hair dangling on one side of her face.

Sharp eyes..

Brown locks

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Brown locks.

Plump bright red lips

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Plump bright red lips...

Plump bright red lips

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