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you sigh, leaning back into your chair. it was now last period, which was art. you shared this period with jawn and otto, and you also sat next to them, they always kept this period interesting. the boys heard about your outburst in history last period, and you had just got done telling them the story and what had caused it.

"he's such a dick," you say, "now i have to spend and hour with him after school."

"maybe this will give you two a chance to talk?" jawn asked with a small smile.

"what? no, i'm not talking to that douchebag." you state, annoyance laced your words.

"y/n, maybe if you find out why geoff and awsten are teasing you, then maybe you guys could like, i don't know, make up?" otto suggested.

"not. happening."

"y/n, they make you miserable, you've even told me! just talk to him, please. for me?"

"and for me?" jawn chuckled.

"okay, fine, but if this backfires, then i'm never talking to either of you again," you laugh.

"deal," the boys say in unison, making the three of you laugh.

- time skip brought to you by ottoparks -

the bell went off, signalling that school ended for the day. the only this is, is that you couldn't leave, because of awsten and his stupid antics.

you parted your ways from jawn and otto, saying your byes. you decided to make your to the classroom that detention was held in, noticing awsten wasn't in yet.

"wonder where he could be...," you mutter, sitting down in the front of the class.

just then, you saw the teacher that was supposed to watch you two walk in with awsten. awsten spotted you and rolled his eyes, taking a seat in the back of the class. you looked back at him, cocking your eyebrow at him, him ignoring you.

"i found awsten trying to skip, luckily i caught him in time," the teacher announced, mainly to you.

you nodded, hearing awsten sigh behind you. you almost felt bad for him, why would the teacher embarrass him like that? you brushed it off, knowing that you shouldn't feel bad for him.

"well, i'll be in my office, no talking, i expect you two to behave," the teacher said, eyeing awsten. you nodded, watching him exit the class room, locking the door in the process.

you waited till you couldn't hear his footsteps anymore and turned around in your seat, now facing the blue haired boy (yes i changed his hair to blue ok) .

"that was a dick move," you stated simply, instantly regretting it.

"what? oh, me trying to skip detention? sure, whatever you say," he says, rolling his eyes once more. maybe if he keeps rolling his eyes, he'll find his brain, if he even has one.

"no, i mean, yeah that was a dick move, but i was talking about how he just... announced it," you shrugged.

"oh, yeah i guess.. why are you talking to me again?"

"otto and jawn wanted me too, i promised them i would try to talk to you."

"why exactly?"

"because, they want us to make up or something," you sigh, "it's dumb, i know."

"well, it's not happening, tell them i don't want to be your friend."

"why don't you tell them, you're literally like, best friends with jawn and otto is in your shitty band!"

𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 | 𝐀.𝐊. (ON HOLD)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt