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"DUDE YOU FUCKING SUCK," Alejandro whined as Monroe missed hed shot, only laughing as she took a sip from her cup and rolled her eyes. "Don't come at her like that," Mattia warned from the other side of the table, laughing loudly when Robert chimed in and threw out an insult to Alejandro.

Alvaro and Roshaun stood in the middle of the table and looked between the two teams, not bothering to shoot Alejandro down and remind him that he hadn't made a single cup the whole round. Instead, Alvaro took a step back and walked towards the kitchen, leaving his friends.

"Alejandro, bro—"

Monroe silenced at the look he gave her and giggled, finishing her cup as Roshaun offered to grab her another and disappeared after Alvaro, leaving the four of them.

Mattia blew a kiss at the girl across the table before he shot, grinning when he made the final cup and Monroe shoved Alejandro roughly. "Dude, you're ass," she snapped, narrowing her eyes as he glared at her. "Says you—"

"I made every cup!" She defended herself loudly, not being able to maintain her serious composure as she laughed and shoved him much more gently. He threw his arm around her and threw a middle finger up towards Mattia as he demanded a rematch.

"No. I want my girl on my fucking team. You been hogging her all night," Mattia groaned, his mouth dropping in shock when Alejandro shook his head. "Dude — you have Robert! Stop bitching."

"I don't want Robert. I want Monroe."

Robert crossed his arms and glared at Mattia with a small frown, stomping over to Alejandro's side as Monroe grinned and dashed towards the other boy. "Thank god," he sighed, throwing his own arm over her shoulder as he shot with his free hand and once again made the cup with ease.

He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, glaring as a girl from his school made her way towards them but quickly turned around at the look on his face. "You're so mean," Monroe whispered up towards him, leaning into his body as she watched Alejandro miss his shot.

Mattia only drugged and lifted her chin so that he could actually kiss her, not bothering to listen to Alejandro and Robert complain from the other side of the table as they waited for them to shoot.

Monroe grinned at Mattia before throwing the ball straight towards Alejandro's face, jutting our her lower lip as his mouth dropped. "Sorry," she pouted, laughing drunkenly when he told her that he hated her more than anyone else.

They ended the game quickly and decided to give their reign over the table a break, moving together to find Alvaro and Roshaun. When they had finally pushed their way to the kitchen, Alejandro shrieked and ripped Alvaro away from his spot on the floor, cursing him for drinking too much as the boy looked like he was about to pass out.

"I can't fuck with you, bruh. Go upstairs," he whined, stomping away as he dragged his friend up the stairs towards his room with a scowl. Roshaun was doubles over in laughter, something that Monroe couldn't help but join in. At the sound of his girls laughter, Mattia himself laughed, watching as her eyes crinkled up in the corners.

The music from the living room changed quickly and Roshaun instantly stopped laughing, farting away after he told them that it was his favorite song. When Monroe turned to see where Robert had gone, she widened her eyes as she saw him kissing some brunette girl and instantly turned back around to look at Mattia.

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