Best Friend Quinn

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You and Quinn had a great friendship. He was always there for you, and you for him. You had a great relationship with his family and vice versa. You and him were constantly at each other's houses having movie nights, game nights, or just napping together. Despite how good friends you were, you were always scared to catch feelings for him.

He texted you to come over one night, when you were feeling particularly lonely. Of course you said yes, and went over right away. He greeted you with a smile and a hug, then moved aside for you to come in. He was wearing a tight black shirt with gray sweats.

"Where is everyone?" You asked.

"Oh, they went out and I was bored, so I texted you," he said with a smile.

"I see," you said, unsure of what was about to happen.

"Come sit on the couch (y/n), unless you wanna stand there for the rest of the night," he joked.

"Oh yeah," you said, realizing you were daydreaming a little. You and him walked to the living room. Just before you got to the couch, you jumped on him and pinned him to it.

"Hey! What was that for," he laughed.

"I'm bored Quinn!" You yelled, rolling off his side.

"Hahah, me too, don't worry."

He grabbed the tv remote and turned it on.

"Netflix?" He asked.


"What do you want to watch then?"

"Uh, how about a dumb highschool movie," you said, thinking of him hugging you at the door.

"That sounds so dumb," he said, "let's do it."

"Ok," you laughed, imagining yourself pressed up against him. Then you realize, oh shit. Have I caught feelings for my best friend?

"Hey, you awake?" Quinn said, breaking that thought. He looked at you confused as to why you were so quiet all of a sudden.

"What's going on with you?" He asked, genuinely concerned. He turned to you and looked into your eyes, worry plastered all over his face.

"It's nothing Huggy, I'm just... lonely," you said, tears welling up in your eyes.

"Hey, hey, c'mere," he said, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug.

"Thank you," you whispered, crying into his shoulder.

"It's okay, (y/n) I've been feeling the same," he sniffled as he tousled with your hair.

"I love you best friend," you cried. Quinn pulled away, his arms still around you, facing you, a tear sliding down his cheek.

"No, I love you," he said as he rushed towards your lips, connecting them with his own. Your stomach exploded, the butterflies tickling your insides. This effect Quinn had on you, was indescribable. He stopped kissing you for a moment, his forehead and nose pressed gently against yours, and his hands still placed on your back.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, "that was uncalled for. I just, I just had to do it."

"Don't be sorry Quinney, I loved every second of it," you said. Your words made him smile and he looked up at you.

"Can I kiss you again, then?" He asked. 

"Any time you want."

With that, he leaned in again, kissing your lips softly. You moved your hands to his hair and neck, kissing him back. You and him kissed for a while, the blanket on the couch getting tangled up between you. He stopped for a second to rip the blanket out, falling backward pulling you with him. You were now on top of him laughing and he threw the blanket over your heads, covering the both of you. You kissed him again, straddling him under the blanket, and stopping for a second just to look at his face. His eyes were soft, loving. His lips were smooth, slightly pink. His hair fluffy, soft, and  smooth. You loved everything about him. Then, he broke the silence.

Best friend QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now