Chapter 22: Graduation

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It was the next day and I actually woke up in time for school. I seen Dally still sleeping so I slid out of bed hoping not to wake him up. Although it's still early in the school year and it's only November my principal and I negotiated for me to graduate early. We've been discussing this since the beginning of the year and nobody knows about it. The main reason I doubled up on a math class and took college credit classes is because I wanted to be able to graduate from schools to go to college early and be able to start a life without my mom sooner. I was supposed to graduate yesterday but he sent a letter saying how I could graduate anytime this week, as long as I was on time to school. (I know this is probably not how it works, but I tried doing as much research as I could so my apologies for this probably being far off). Practically graduating early for me consists of me going to school and grabbing my signed diploma from his office and discuss some questions.
I wanted to dress up today, considering I don't get to get the full experience of graduating with my class I still wanted to dress nice. I put on a nice green dress and white sandals. I did my hair nicely to complete the look(picture above).
I began to sneak out the window because Dally doesn't want me downstairs alone. Dally heard me as I snuck out and woke up. "Where are you going?" He asked.
"To school don't you remember I told you yesterday." I said.
"Oh okay, let me take you." He offered as he got up and put a shirt on. "Now you don't have to go out the window." He smiled and opened the door for me but still led me through the downstairs as he held my hand. Dally is very protective of me and doenst let anyone hurt me.
We got into the car and I began to think of all the people I left behind in my life to be with Dally. "I miss Sofie and my dad." I frowned.
"Why don't I take you to see them after school?" He offered.
"That would be nice, thank you Dally." I smiled knowing he would do anything for me. Probably would even die for me.
"What time should I pick you up?" He asked.
"I'll be done with school in about an hour." I said.
"I haven't been to school in awhile but that seems like a short time, what do you only have one class?" He chuckled.
"I actually don't have any, I'm graduating early today." I said looking out the window sighing. At this point I don't even know if want to go to college and I think all of this was a waste of time.
"That's good news babe, why didn't you tell me?" He asked putting his hand on my thigh.
"I don't know I haven't told anyone. I planned this at the beginning of the year so I could go to college earlier and not have to worry about being around my mom all of the time. I know I only have half of a semester left but I would've had to wait like a whole other year to go to college and this way I could start in January." I said sighing. "Now I'm not even sure I want to go to college."
"Do what you feels right, I mean if you did this to get away from your mom you'll be eighteen soon and you are already away from her." He said.
"That's a valid point." I said as Dally pulled into the parking lot of my school. "Thank you, I'll see you in a hour."
"Bye see you in a hour." He said driving off.

I walked straight into the principals office and the bell rang meaning first period started. "Hello miss. Westbrooke." Mr Newman said.
"Hello mr Newman it's a pleasure to meet with you again." I said trying to sound professional.
"Here is your diploma." He handed it to me and shook my hand.
"Thank you so much for letting me graduate early." I said admiring the diploma.
"Of course, Allie I see potential in you." Mr Newman smiled. "Now we have to discuss which path you are taking. College or a job?" He asked.
"I planned on getting a job by the end of the month. But I am currently still looking." I said knowing I probably disappointed him.
"Are you sure? I know schools like brown and Princeton would be lucky to have you attending their schools." He said trying to persuade me. "Plus I know you were looking to get away from home and these are a good distance away. Or there's Harvard. You could be missing out on all these Ivy League colleges looking to accept you." He said.
"I know but I no longer want to leave my town. And I've began to lose interest in my academic life. I was leaning more towards starting a job and a family." I said thinking of Dally.
"Then it's been discussed, miss.westbrooke you have finally graduated." He smiled and stood up to shake my hand one last time. "Make sure you keep on track to keep a job starting January or parents can pull you back into school if you are proven not to be working steady hours." He said walking over and opening the door for me.

That was about a forty minute meeting and I wasn't expecting to see Dally here but he was already here and when I got into the car he gave me flowers. "Congratulations on graduating." He smiled and kissed me.
"Thank you! Now I just have to get a job by January." I said sighing.
"At least you're away from home for now." He said.
"I'm just glad I turn eighteen tomorrow, I don't think I could survive having to dragged into my house by like the police or something." I said chuckling.
"Now let's go visit your dad." He said pulling out of the parking lot.

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