D For Disaster☽44☾

Start from the beginning

"Biwdie." She pointed out to her mom.

"And what sound does a birdie make?"

"Twee twee." Rose grinned.

"That's right." Isabel grinned. "Give mama a high five?" She asked holding her hand out.

Rose slapped her hand and giggled.

Isabel smiled at her playful daughter and pat her head before looking to Mary who had a small tin lantern in her hand and had been placing several bundles of burning Solomon seal and snapdragon to monitor the magic in the area while she had been playing with her daughter.

"This is it."

Isabels smile dropped and she turned serious. "Good. Tell the others they can go. We'll be fine from here."

"Well, they said they're not leaving us 'til we get where we're going," Jackson told her as he shrugged. Isabel turned back toward Mary and Hayley, the former holding up the lantern of burning herbs that still produced white smoke.

"So far, so good!" She gestured toward Rose and Hope. "Here, let me hold the little girl while you figure out where to cross."

Isabel looked down at Rose. "Be nice for grandma Mary?"

"Otay." She handed Rose over to Mary who picked her up and gave her a small tickle to make the girl happier.

"Hey, Rosie." She watched the girl smile widely which caused her to smile at the beautiful baby. "Want to have a little fun?" The little girl nodded and Mary along with Hayley started to walk further away to give the two adults privacy.

"What do you think?" Isabel asked Jackson

"Get across, head for the highway, steal a car, and just go." He smiled hopefully at Isabel, and when he saw her frowning worriedly, be became concerned. "You okay?"

"It was a nice idea- marrying you to make our people strong, raise my baby girls surrounded by the pack." She started.


"This morning, when I told them they could go..." she swallowed thickly as she rubbed Hopes back who was still strapped to her chest and trying to catch up on sleep. "I never let you off the hook."


Isabel looked over at Mary, who was standing with Hayley and another wolf, all of them doting on Rose.

"I'm tired of other people making sacrifices for me. Fighting my battles. I'm tired of dragging people into my mess."

"Hey! That's what family is. They're the people you are born to- and the people you choose- to stand beside you when things are hard. And there's no place I'd rather be than right beside you. Okay?"

Isabel looked at Jackson and her eyes saddened. He was such a good guy to her and this whole thing was a mess.


After they got across the river and a wolf found them a truck to help move easier, they all stopped at a junkyard outside of the Bayou, where they could set up shop until they determined their destination. Jackson gave some final orders before he headed inside.

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