•chapter eleven•

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katie's pov


oh shit. i know that voice too well.

me and jaden quickly pulled a part and he was looking straight at her, i had my back to her.

i slowly turned around and saw her. mads. she looked so mad and hurt. i can't blame her. i'm a shitty friend.

"mads" i whispered while i put my head down in shame

"YOU BITCH" she screamed

ngl, this hurt. my best friend calling me a bitch, and not in a friend way.

"mads let us explain" jaden said. i couldn't see what he was doing since my head was still down

"did you break up with me for her?!" mads asked jaden

"no- well..i-i don't know" he stuttered. he did. he just didn't know how to tell mads

"the hell you don't know! did you?!" she asked again

"mads look i'm sorry, i-i didn't mean to hurt you, but i broke up with you because i sorta...lost feelings. or i-i never had any" he admitted

"what?! you never even liked me jaden?" she asked, i could tell she was crying. i felt awful

"i-i guess not. and this isn't katie's fault. i came onto her and she didn't do anything, i swear. this is the first time it's happened and nothing is going on between us" he said, but he's lying. this wasn't the first time. and i sure as hell did mean it. should i let him take the fall

"katie-" mads voice cracked "is this true?" she asked

i slowly picked up my head. do i save my friendship and let jaden take the fall, or are me and jaden in this together.

i looked at jaden he nodded his head, a gesture telling me to save my friendship i'm guessing. i love mads so much, so i had no choice but to lie

"yes" i whispered while nodding

"so you don't like jaden at all?" she asked

i do. a lot actually. but i can't tell her that. can i?

i looked at jaden for reassurance, but he looked as if he didn't have an answer for me. i guess he's wondering the same thing

"i-i um" i stuttered. what the hell do i say

"spit it out!" she yelled impatiently "do you like jaden?!" she repeated

"she doesn't. she told me earlier when i told her that i liked her" jaden cut in. he lied again.

"i don't believe this shit! katie do you like him or not?!" she repeated once more.

ya know, fuck it. i know mads is my best friend but i like jaden so much. he's been in almost my whole childhood and if mads can't find it in her heart to forgive me, then she's not a real friend. i forgave her after i found out she was talking to my ex boyfriend. right, that story hasn't been shared yet. i had just gotten out of my first relationship with my highschool boyfreiend, ben, and mads was with me throughout the whole recovering process, but then, right once i'm over him, i find out she and him were talking, even when i was still dating him. but i still forgave her.

"katie?! answer me!" she yelled

i snapped out of my thoughts and i couldn't contain my emotions anymore i guess

"yes! okay yes i like jaden! is that what you want to hear?!" i snapped  bryce and mads had there jaw dropped and jaden had a little smirk on his face but he quickly hid it

"YOU WHAT!?" she yelled

"i like jaden mads! and if you can't deal with that then i'm sorry! but you know what, i forgave you after i found out you were talking to ben while me and him were dating, AND after we broke up! and if you can't forgive me for this then i'm sorry, i really am, but you and jaden are over and that won't change!" i exclaimed

"damn" bryce whispered

mads just had her jaw dropped. she was clearly defeated. i felt bad, but it was the truth. and now that i think about it, i have many memories of her being a toxic friend, many.

mads huffed loudly before turning around and stomping back to the door. she opened it then ran down the stairs and we slowly heard her get farther and farther until we couldn't hear her echos anymore

"what the fuck just happened?" bryce asked

"shut up." jaden said to bryce "what do we do" he asked me

"i have no clue" i said. i didn't notice before but i had tears trying to force themselves out of my eyes, but i hadn't let them. i finally let them fall and i just started balling. jaden ran over to me and embraced me in a hug. i cried into his chest for god knows how long.

we eventually parted with bryce and we made our way back to me and jaden's room

right once we got in the room, i plopped on the bed

i set my phone on the night stand and just stared at the ceiling


i looked at my phone and saw mads has tagged me in a photo.


hey guysss! i hope you liked this chapter, and remeber to vote!

please give me some more ideas for a chance to get a shoutout!

remember to check out my kio book if you haven't already👀

stay tuned❤️

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