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Thomas's Pov:

My name is Thomas Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for two years now I've been the one and only Spider-Man. I've saved a bunch of people, developed an agonizing crush on a girl I'll never end up with, saved the city from a giant lizard scientist, and saved the city again from an electric superpower fanboy. Life's pretty normal for the most part, I go to school, I get homework and assessments, I have friends, I'm pretty normal. Well, as normal as my life can get when I can lift a bus with my bare hands.

Third Person:

"THOMAS GET UP, YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE, NEWT IS ALSO WAITING!" Aunt May screams while flipping an egg onto a clean plate, handing it to Newt.

"Thanks May" Newt smiles with rosy cheeks while looking up from his book towards Aunt May.

"Aren't you just the sweetest Newtie?" Aunt May gushes while squeezing Newt's cheeks.

"Thanks'' Newt grumbles while his face is squished in between May's hands. Aunt May let's go and slots a piece of wholemeal bread into the toaster.

Thomas runs from his room haphazardly throwing on a red flannel while tying his black and white converse. Running his hand through his hair once for good measure he enters the kitchen.

"Hey Newt, how's the eggs?" Thomas smiles breathlessly, his smile reaches his eyes, creasing them at the ends.

Newt lifts up his egg with his fork blushing slightly.

"They are fantastic, the best I've ever had" Newt states with a genuine smile towards Aunt May.

"Oh stop it Newtie, you compliment me too much" Aunt May states while gushing red and covering her face with her hands.

"Thomas, toasts in the toaster, you know where the jams are" Aunt May states while her attention is focused on finishing off a fried egg.

"Might want to take it to go, we're going to be late. Not that I mind, but little Tommy doesn't like to be late" Newt mocks with a smirk laying his fork onto his plate. He strides over to the dishwasher, putting his plate in the slot provided for plates. He leans his back against the cream coloured wall with his bag slung across his body. His book propped in between his fingers.

"Thanks May, I'll see you this afternoon, I've got the Stark Internship after school" Thomas says while kissing Aunt May on the cheek. Putting his jammed toast into his mouth he motions for Newt to follow him out the door.

"See you later May, it was a pleasure" Newt waves and smiles fondly at Aunt May.

"The pleasures all mine, you can come over whenever you like, it's no hassle" Aunt May says while cleaning the table.

"HAVE A GOOD DAY YOU TOO" Aunt May yells while the two boys exit the house.

Exiting the house, Newt shoves his book into his bag. He slowly looks over to Thomas. Newt thought for a moment, adjusting his gaze from Thomas's face, to his cheeks that are decorated with moles, to his neck. Newt stops himself. What was he doing, Thomas is his best friend, you don't just casually check out your best friend. Licking his lips Newt shoves his hands into his jean pockets while lifting his shoulders. Newt sways while he walks.

"Are you gonna ask that Teresa chick out to Homecoming?" Newt quizzes with amusement in his eyes.

Thomas coughs on his toast that he had just finished. Thomas whips his head towards Newt with giant bambi eyes.

"No, of course not, she doesn't even know I exist" Thomas states matter of factually while flailing his arms around in grand gestures of his disapproval.

SPIDER-MAN: THE HARDEST CHOICEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin