Part 2💚🪐

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Tommy took me to someone named Nikki's apartment, where he and 2 guys lived. I was hoping to make some friends.
Once Tommy introduced me to Nikki and Vince, we were all sitting around drinking beers. Vince was really flirty, and i would be lying if i said he wasn't attractive. And Nikki, he seemed like he had a problem with me, i'm not sure why though, he was still VERY hot.

Nikki's POV
Tommy brought his cousin in from Freeridge, and she seems like a bitch. She probably came from a hallmark card family, where nothing ever goes wrong. It's annoying, like she has no idea what the real world is like.

Spencer's POV
We were all sitting around when Vince asked "So why are you here Spencer?" Tommy looked at me with a reassuring look "My drunk mother kicked me out" Nikki looked like he seen a ghost. "What did you do?" Vince asked. Then i told them everything, they seemed like people i could trust. Once i was finished, a few tears had fell. Vince wrapped his arm around me "I'm sorry i made you tell all that" I looked at him and gave a weak smile "it's fine, it's nice to get it off my chest" He took his arm off me and leaned back ( i wish he didn't, it felt nice) "Man you and Sixx have something in common, fathers that left, and piece of shit mothers" I saw Nikki roll his eyes, which kinda hurt, i want to know what his problem with me is.
I saw him get up and walk to what i'm guessing is his room. "Hey i'm gonna go to the bathroom, i'll be right back." I went and followed Nikki.

Tommy's POV
Don't get me wrong, i enjoy Spencer being here, but she is kinda weird. She went to the bathroom but no one told her where it was.

Nikki's POV
I had to get away from Spencer because i felt guilty about how i misjudged her. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and i turned around. It was her. "What is your problem with me?" She looked up at me, she looked kind of cute because she was so much shorter than me. I snapped out of my daze and answered her "I misjudged you, i thought you were a girl that came from a hallmark card family, and didn't know what the real world was like, then when you told us what happened to you, i realized you were as fucked up as me. And now i feel like a piece of shit because i understand all the shit you have been through, and you didn't deserve the way i treated you before."

Spencer's POV
What Nikki had said made me realize he wasn't such a dick. "I guess you just can't judge a book by its cover" i have him a warm smile to show that i wasn't angry. "Well since we have so much in common, we could be friends?" He looked down at me a smiled "Sure, why not" I smiled and looked down at my feet "i guess i'm going to go back to the others now." I turned and started walking back when Nikki called after me, "Hey Spence, you know where actually looking for a guitarist" I turned to look at him, "I would love to fill that spot but i'm lacking a guitar" I laughed painfully, remembering what happened to my guitar. Nikki put his hand on my shoulder, "I'll see what i can do" and he walked past me. I stood there for a second collecting my thoughts and then i walked back.

When i got back, Tommy asked me "Can i see your scars?" I looked at him for a second "Why not?" I took off my shirt to show him, and i thought nothing of it, but Nikki and Vince had to keep staring at my tits. "See something you like?" I said jokingly followed with a wink. "Two things specifically" Vince said. "Yes, now can i touch?" Nikki said making a squeezing motion with his hands. "Maybe in your dreams" I winked and laughed while putting my Led Zeppelin shirt back on.

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