Entry 1. DIY Lipgloss

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So I'm here for my very first DIY tutorial-y thing. And it's so cool and simple. Making your own lipgloss. Yep, you heard me right. Lipgloss that you can make.

And it's really inexpensive. You only need four things for this DIY, and they are things that most people have at home anyway already.

-Eyeshadow in the colour that you want your lipgloss (final colour may end up lighter)

-Cocktail stick/toothpick

-Vaseline Petroleum Jelly

-Some kind of container

I've heard stuff about using non-petroleum jelly because petroleum jelly is bad for your lips. I don't think that's true. Just use normal Vaseline, I did and it hasn't done me any harm.

Step 1. Get a large blob of Vaseline onto your finger and scrape it into the container. Don't bother trying to smooth it out just yet.

Step 2. Using an eyeshadow brush, brush down firmly on the eyeshadow until large crumbs gather at the bottom. Pour these crumbs in.

Step 3. Stir well with cocktail stick and voila! It looks kinda messy but if you have the patience (I don't have enough!) you can try to smooth it out so it looks more professional. I recommend doing this if you intend the lipgloss as a gift, but if its just for you, there's no point bothering unless you're a very fussy perfectionist.

I hope you enjoyed my first DIY. Please comment and tell me about how yours turned out and whatever. I'll be delighted to reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2012 ⏰

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