His eyes moved to the side as his insides froze up. He chuckled nervously at the Ubugawa managers who stared at the small libero weirdly. Once they walked away he banged his head on the door and sighed. "And I just embarrassed myself." His shut eyes opened up and a small smile pulled at the corners of his lips, "I'd only do that for you though," He said in a light tone. Not a second later the door opened up making him almost stumbled forward. "Lue you opened the door!" He happily exclaimed seeing the burnette in front of him. "Yaku please go," she mumbled squeezing the door handle. He frowned as he shook his head. Instead of saying anything he simply took her hand in his, ignoring the amazing feeling it gave him, and dragged her with him.

Lue didn't protest just let him pull her. He lead them towards the back of the school where he assumed the track team would meet because it was mostly leveled out dirt around them. He stopped once they were in the middle of the field and faced her. She kept her gaze on the ground. "What happened today," He spoke first. She just shook her head. "Lue tell me." He tried to not sound so desperate but he couldn't help it. "Yaku I want to go back," She grabbed her arm. "Lue I want you to tell me what happened..was, was it because.." He took in a deep breath and shut his eyes hard. "Was it because I held your hand on the bus!?" He raised his voice slightly squeaking. Lue snapped her head up, her molasses eyes finally locking onto his honey ones. His chest twisted seeing how puffy her eyes were.

"No! Holding your hand was the single
most amazing thing that's ever happened to me!" She spoke loudly and stared deep into his eyes. The libero was slightly caught off guard with a shocked face that melted into a relaxed one. He held his hand over his face while the other rest around his hip. "I'm releived, I was worried I messed up." He chuckled and peaked at the girl in front of him between his fingers. Her cheeks were red but her eyes were still mixed with sorrow. "Lue," He dropped his hands and got the girls attention. He grabbed her hand and swiftly pulled her into his chest. Lue's eyes went wide and her mind went blank. "I'm here for you," His hand snaked around her lower back and held her tight against body, "I'll listen to any and all of your worries," She felt her body begin to tremble, her bubble she let grow around her started to shake.

"I'm never leaving your side Lue, I promise." He smiled softly as he nuzzled into her sweet smelling hair. The girl felt her bubble pop as she buried her face into his chest and cling to his shirt. Yaku felt her sob into his chest, and he knew this wasn't the best time to be smiling so vividly but he just felt so much better having her in his arms. After a few minutes Lue calmed down and pulled away from Yaku, her head tilting up to look at him. She nuzzled into his hand as he held her cheek to wipe away stray tears. He chuckled softly at how cute she was, "Can you tell me what happened now?" He said softly and she nodded. He grabbed her hand a pulled her into him again not ready for her to be any distance away from him, and Lue didn't mind it one bit.

She rested her head on his shoulder, "I ran into my old friends.." She started out quietly. "They told me why they stopped being my friend..they said I took my friends boyfriend and flirted with every boy..they said that there were rumors about me like that.." She started to feel herself get worked up again and Yaku quickly squeezed her to reassure her he was still here for her. "I guess that's why no one liked me..they all saw me as some attention seeking girl who played dumb." Lue gripped Yaku's shirt. "I had no idea that I was hurting her, that he liked me..if I would've known I would've never joined the student council..if I knew the girls didn't like me being friends with the boys I wouldn't have ever spoken to them!" She gripped his shirt tighter. Yaku shook his head and hugged her tighter.

"Don't say that, you can be friends with whoever. Those girls were clearly jealous and needed an outlet for their bad attitudes. They should be the ones to apologize to you. If they were real friends they would know you never had any intentions like that." He spoke calmly as he tried to hold back all the nasty things he wanted to call those so called old friends. He pulled away from Lue and stared deep into her eyes, "Lue you're a wonderful friend, the whole team adores you and so do the coaches! Even the other managers see you for the ball of sunshine you are! You don't ever have to worry about anything dumb like those old friends again, because we all have your back!" He said with a wide grin and a thumbs up. Lue felt her heart racing as she stared up at him, "What about you?" The words fell off her tongue and made her freeze.

"What about me?" Yaku raised a brow at stared at her, his hands still holding her shoulders. Lue stared down at her hands and began to play with her fingers, "What do you think," She looked up and met his gaze, "of me?" Her soft voice relaxed the libero to his bones. With a gentle smile words left his lips, "I think you're exactly what I've been missing, what I've been needing." His heart was soaring at this moment as he subtlety confessed to Lue. Before she could respond he cupped her cheeks and leaned down to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. His lips lingered on her smooth skin for a few seconds longer than he firstly intended and it was a struggle to pull away. "I should take you back to your room," He talked sweetly as his hand moved from her cheek down to her hand.

Lue was the first to connect their hands, "Can we walk slow?" She gazed down at their hands. Yaku didn't answer and just lead the way. Lue didn't want this moment to end. She needed to calm down before returning back to the room with a puffy face, but also because she believed Yaku just confessed to her. She stared at the boy who was staring straight ahead with red cheeks. Her body felt light and airy, and with a small smile she let her free arm wrap around his arm that held her hand and laid her head on his shoulder as they walked.

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