Part 8

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"FIJI?" I heard someone shout. I bolted up quickly due to being awakened so quickly. I looked at my phone to check the time. 10:08pm. I had been asleep for a few hours and decided to get up and see what the shouting was downstairs.

As I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw Ryan and Mason with big grins on their faces. "Whats going on?" I questioned. "Pack your stuff Y/N were going to Fiji!" Ryan exclaimed. "What? When?" I asked with an excited look. "The flights in a few hours so we've gotta pack our stuff, convince Cam to come and then get to the airport. I rushed back upstairs to sort out would need to take with me, I was so excited.

(Time Skip)

"Whats going on?" Cam said as he opened the door. Me and Mason laughed at him. "What do you mean whats going on? Nothings going on" Ryan said with a smirk on his face. We all walked inside and I looked around the apartment, it was so modern and clean. "Why don't you take a seat" Matt said whilst patting Cam on the back. "We're going to Fiji!' Mason said excitedly. "We're going tonight!" I said. "What no we're not I literally have so much work to do" Cam said.

(Time skip)

After a while we finally convinced him to come along, I was happy he was coming because I wanted to get to know him better and I thought this would be a great opportunity for that. By the time we had convinced Cam to come and gotten on the plane it was now 1:30am. Me and Cameron were sitting right at the back of the plane with Mason and the rest of the guys were dotted around at the front. Mason fell asleep almost instantly, he was tired as he'd been running around the airport like a 5 year old. I have to admit it was quite funny watching him mess around, he was so high and he was really annoying Swagger.

Ryan called us an uber to take us to where we staying and by now we were all extremely tired. When we got to our place I was shocked. It was like a small open house right upon the beach. It even had a hot top and a bar on the second floor balcony. The balcony was decorated with some pretty fairy lights and had a really nice atmosphere. I was so excited to sit in the hot tub whilst overlooking the gorgeous beach. The house surprisingly had enough bedrooms for us as well which I was quite shocked about as there was so many of us.

"So some of you guys will have to share a roo-" Sam was cut off by Mason "I'M NOT SLEEPING WITH ANYONE ELSE....well maybe Y/N....".

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