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The bell rang, I can leave now.

I stood up to get out my seat and collected my bag from the back of my chair, I slung it over my shoulder with no care and set of for the door, then I bump into Mathew..

"Fuck off" I say to him defensivley, I know boys like this and I know they like to taunt me, hes part of the same group of bullies so I have to be quick with my words or he'll beat me even lower.

"Okay sorry, jeez" Mathew said as he stood back a step and looked at me with disgust. 

I shot him a glance that said watch out and then I opened the door quickly and made sure to slam it behind me in an attempt that I might convince him I'm not someone to mess with. As I'm walking down the corridor at speed I glance over expecting to see him walking after me just to get in some taunts but he wasnt there. 

I can't stop staring at her, maybe its the way her hair is so cleanly fresh jet black yet it shines in the sunlight brighter than anything ive seen.

The bell goes and my staring is cut short, I stand up and watch as she carelessly throws her bag over her shoulder, she never seems to care about anything apart from the way she looks. I know underneath all that angst and gothy stuff she's really beautiful. Ahh but the lads would definitley throw me off the team if they knew she was my crush.

I purposley bump into her just as shes about to leave the class just to see what reaction I get out of her. An unpolite "fuck off" is all I get.

Its the first thing shes ever said to me and honestley, it was better than nothing. At least I got to hear her. She leaves quickly and snaps the door shut behind her, I stand and wait for a little bit analising the situation and then I open the door and see her stood half way down the corridor looking back this way. Was she waiting for me? 

She snaps her head back round and continues walking at speed, I dont think I'll go after her, that would just be strange, plus coach said I have to get to practice early today because we have some other buisness to attend to.

I keep walking and then once I've turned the corner I take a deep breath and look around, same old same old, boring normal kids walking around the locker area in thier usual groups doing thier usual thing with thier usual friends..

I walk towards my locker and hear the same sort of shit coming from those goddamn boys, every single time I walk past they have some sort of new fun thing to call me, you think they'd get bored eventually but no. Today it was "lonely piece of bats ass" very creative. I mean I gotta give them some credit I could never come up with that..

I just shake my head and whisper under my breath. "asshole"

"Excuse me?! What the fuck did you just call me" I turn round to see Jake stood there, massive steroid pumped up viens bulging from his almost impossible biceps. I would be lying if I said I didnt find him attractive, not just because of his definition but also the thought of him strangling the fuck outta me is kinda hot.

"Just called you an asshole, cuz that my opinion of you" What? The fuck? Am I saying?! I've never ever spoken back to Jake before, I've literally been silent every day for the past 5 months. The words just slipped out my mouth. Now I know Jake fights ditry and everyone knows he hits his girlfriend so hitting me would not be a problem.

"Oh really? You think I'm an asshole?! Well I'll show you what a fuckin' asshole can do to a little prick like you!"

As I'm heading towards the gym for an earlier start than usual I hear the familiar shouts of Jake and I already know hes about to beat the shit out of him and to be completely honest I can't miss seeing him deck some little prick in the hallway, his hallway fights are always the best ones.

I follow the sound of his evergrowing threats looking foward to see some nasty little kid tryna challenge him but when I turn the corner I see Cat pinned up against the wall by her throat by him, her hand gripping tightly around his wrist. 

I can barley get one ghasp in and the pleasure I would have felt from this has completely dissapeared, now its only fear as I feel his large thumb press down on my windpipe, I'm staring into his eyes and I see nothing but black clouds, he's been through so much pain and suffering that I can almost understand why he's doing this.

I look over to see someone turn the corner and it's fucking Mathew of all people, my eyes look away from Jakes and over at his for a split second. 

She looked at me! She wants my help because she knows no one else cares enough about her and she definitley doesnt have any friends. But I can't move, my feet are stuck to the floor, my mouth wont speak. I cant even make a sound, its the shock, the shock of seeing a mate literally start squezzing the life out of a girl I wanna get to know. I just cant do anything.

Damon walks round behind me and looks as shocked as I do. "JAKE! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING! PUT THE GIRL DOWN!" 

Jake let go almost instanty and I dropped to the floor coughing so hard that it made my eyes water, I finally got my breath back and looked up to see why he had stopped, there was this guy I had never seen before, he was taller and even stronger looking than Jake, he had jet black hair and snake bite piercings, he was wearing all black and he had a snake tattoo that seemed to travel all the way up his arm.

The boy that saved me was dragging Jake by the scruff of the neck in the direction of what I can only assume was the principals office, I feel a tap on my shoulder and my reflexs caused me to grab this persons wrist and hold it away from me, I'm glad I did cuz it was Mathew that tapped me.

Her grip is like iorn tight, what the hell? You see why I think shes so interesting now, like, how is she this strong yet when Jake attacked her she didnt stand up for herself, she looks so scared and her neck looks sore, I offer my hand out slowly and she looks up at me and then stands up by herslef, bruses herslef off and turns around without a word, heading in the direction that Damon and Jake went.

I stand there confused and unsure but now even more intruged than ever.

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