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•D O M I N I C•

Something feels weird today. It's just that type of day and I can't quite understand why. Things are pretty normal for me at the moment, my parents are gone as usual leaving me alone. The only child of a drug addict and a work addict. Although one isn't as bad as the other, it sucks having parents that are never around. I ignore my thoughts as I get ready for school. My second day and I am not excited about it. I walk lazily around the house and just throw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I put on my worn out vans and my pink socks. Don't know why I wore those today, but I felt like it.

I head to my car and start my dreadful journey that is school. I hope no one talks to me today. I don't want to deal with people. What's new, though?

Homeroom ended and I headed to my locker. I got to first period and I sat in the same seat. I think about nothing, I stare at the white board at the front of the classroom. Other students start filling up the class and I notice a certain blonde walk in. Why is she the one I notice? I'm oddly intrigued by her, I feel this strange attachment to her.

She walks to her seat and glances at me. That was definitely strange. Did she finally get the hint I was trying to send? No I doubt it, it has to be something else. That makes me sound like a cocky asshole, oh well. I decide to ignore it for the time being and just observe her throughout the day.

We go through first period without a single transaction. Although I did catch her looking at me a few times. I looked back though, it looked like she was silently screaming for help. Like she was trapped in a mess that she couldn't get out of. Like she was in pain, yet still smiling. The bell rings, ending first period, I watch as Felicity walks as fast as she can and she's somehow the first one out of the class. With both of us sitting at the back, that's very difficult.

I go through the day as normally as possible, trying to ignore everyone as always. Except one person.

I find my myself naturally looking for her throughout the day. Even at lunch I walked past the table she sits at on purpose. She was there but she was just staring off into space as the rest of her friends talk. They don't even notice that something is wrong. Do they really think that she has such a perfect life?

Lunch ends and I subconsciously walk to my locker. I don't even need to go before my next class, I just wanted to see if Felicity has anything other than a smile on her face. The bell rings and I head to my fourth period class. I walk in a few minutes late and the teacher looks at me, obviously annoyed but just continues his lecture. The teacher drones on and on about god knows what. Hell, I don't even know what class this is. The class finally ends and I go through fifth period the same as fourth. Walking in late, getting an annoyed scowl from the teacher and not listening the her teaching methods. The class is close to ending and I watch the clock, surprisingly, I'm excited for sixth period. Not only is it one of the only classes I'm good at, but I want to figure out what's wrong with Felicity.

I walk in and sit down, looking at the board I see we are doing conversions today. That's easy. I grab my notebook from my backpack as I see a pair of feet walk over and plop herself into the seat next to me. I sit up and look at her blankly. She just looks back with the same smile she always has on her face. But today, it looks more fake than the last times I saw it.

"I'm surprised. You usually try to have conversations with me by now." I state bluntly.

"Yeah, well I kinda got that you didn't want to talk to me. So why are you now?" She has a smirk on her face, she thinks she's won. How adorable.

"Oh don't worry, Love, I don't care. It's refreshing to not have something in my face." I smirk right back at her. That might have been a little harsh, but it was needed to be done in this situation.

"Oh please, you love the attention I give you. Plus, I only talk to you because I'm intrigued." I smirk at her statement.

"Oh I intrigue you do I?" I raise my eyebrows in a slightly suggestive manner, trying to make a joke out of the situation. She fakes a laugh though, it's not natural at all. As she "laughs" something changes in her eyes. It looks like pain and possibly even fear. But as fast as those emotions appeared, she covered them up. I let out a little chuckle as well.

"Oh now whose the one checking me out?" She says, implying I was looking at her in a sexual manner, when really I was just trying to figure out how this mystery girl really feels.

"No, don't worry. You're still safe from the devil himself." I say subtly. The bell rings and I turn to face the board again.

Something is going on with Felicity and I plan on figuring it out.

I need to.

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