superstitions. He won't.

Inside the room beneath the stairs it's dark, gloomy and damp with aged moss. Glorified

gossamers form nets on all corners of the entrance and nothing beyond can be seen. I open the

door a little further and it echoes noisily within. I try to peer inside but I hear footsteps outside and

shut it immediately. Pulling out my phone I lean at the base of the steps creating a believable cover

for myself as Harry walks through the door.


Mother told me to just let him stay with us, we'd take care of the dilemma that arises with him

soon enough. Now I understood what she meant by the Town taking the house from us, Mother

was right. I was a fool for not listening to her.

I get into my car but cannot start it. It won't move. I grip the steering wheel with both my hands

until the bones in my fingers are white and visible. I flinch when that voice whispers in my ear, the

same voice from last night. Mother.

She says I must stop them from taking away our home. I must do everything in my power.

"What do you want of me?" I ask through clenched teeth.

She raises her voice and I cringe. I was being a coward, she says, I was letting the emotions of

these cruel townsfolk get to me. I must go back to being her protector. She asks if I wanted to be

separated from them.

"No! I love you, Mother. And Gemma is my sister." I answer her.

She doesn't believe me, asking for affirmative proof that they still mattered to me more than

anything else. Get rid of the Sheriff, she says softly.

"Okay." I gulp.

My head slams against the side of the driver's seat, my left temple colliding with the hook the

seat-belt looped over. I hiss in pain as I recover to my sitting position.

"What did I do?!" I demand pressing my hand to my head. It's wet from the dripping blood and I

squint to see through blurry vision.

Punishment, is what she answers with. Punishment for leaving that man-whore alone in our home.


He ignores my well worked-out but immediate position at the staircase railing's end. Walking past

me I notice something different about his appearance in comparison to when he left twenty

minutes prior.

"What happened to your face?" I ask inquisitively as he passes me into the kitchen.

He remains speechless and I find it best not to meddle with his wishes. 'We aren't friends.' I oddly

recall the statement and couldn't attest to it more than I already am.

I wait patiently for his return and when he does reappear before me, he has on a small white

band-aid strapped on the left side of his face. I raise my eyebrow in irritation and inquiry not about

his injury but rather about my accommodation.

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