"Get out." I stand impatiently by the door.

"Aw, come on." Niall pouts and I want to use our newly purchased bug spray on him. "We said

we're sorry."

"We didn't." Zayn corrects. "But that's why we're here now. We're sorry we didn't warn you,

mate. I told Niall to tell you we were caught."

"Apology accepted. Leave." I glare at the blond dimwit.

"What did the Sheriff say?"

"I have to do community service."

Niall laughs. "Where? The Baptist Church?"

"No. That old house up on Lost Lake."

Zayn and Niall stop their amused reactions, and the third idiot stops breathing all together.

"Lost Lake?" Zayn clarifies.


"We were going there for a field trip. Wanna come?" Niall perks up first.


"Yeah, tonight."

Zayn is silent.

"Bring the furry rascal too. He'll keep you safe." Niall rolls his bloodshot eyes.

I think about it. Might as well go, see what the place is like, probably meet the hopeless Harry kid

too. I give them a brief nod and that's all they need.

"Hanayen! Come." I call my dog before they shut the front door behind Zayn.

He trots out like a brave warrior and I ensure the door is locked before marching down the street

in a direction I've never ventured down preceding this occasion.

"So how long's your........probation thingy?" Niall drags on a Styvesant and blows out a grey

cloud of contamination.

"Two months. I have to make sure the house is sell-able." I inform them all. I knew they'd never

feel the slightest bit guilty for putting me in this situation.

The lake runs from the neighbouring town - a distance of three hundred and seventy two miles

away - down our town's backyard and on to the glamorous County of Bridgeville - a further

staggering mileage of three hundred and eight miles. The road we're treading on narrows with

each hurried step, until finally transforming into a dirt road at the beginning of a large field.

The house situated in the middle of the area is pale white and falling apart. It looks spooky with no

life in its interior spacing. A shutter bangs in the wind and I suck in a sharp breath from the

realization that I'll be living here from tomorrow at ten.

"Here we are." Zayn announces less bravely.

"Go on up, Lou. It's your house now." Niall nudges my shoulder.

I shove him back and if he wasn't only on his first cigarette such a blow would have knocked him

over. I stare up at the construction that seems to stare back at me. There are three upstairs windows

evenly spaced out, the roof is black and is white all around in pine wood planks with long lengths

and slight widths. It doesn't lie flat on the ground though, cylindrical blocks of wood hold up the

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