"After Nine birthday we're going to visit his sister first than come see everybody else"

"We'll come to since we have a lot of free time anyway" Emerias said drinking from his red cup. I eyed him and he smirked. Yeah it's definitely liquor in his cup. Looking around my backyard just looking at my little family.

It made me happy it's literally just us left with the new generation. But this was all that matters to see everybody happy. Even if we leave in two different areas we still made a way. Once a year we would get together to just spend time together.

But today was different today marks 22 years since the big explosion. Since all the kids was old enough now we thought of telling stories. And tomorrow we're going to the beach behind us to let balloons with each of their names on it go.


After dinner

"He did what?" Twon asked laughing.

"I'm serious grandma Nyema told me when GBankz got out of jail he straight up told GMone boyfriend that he was home and getting his girl back" we laughed .

"Sound bout right I know I'd do the same" Nari said shrugging. "Wait so how many kids did GMone had?" Jada asked.

"She had four first was Your dad and Zilly momma with Uncle Nasir , than Brandon momma Shannel than Kobe but we don't speak on that" Cameron said as we all agreed.

Nobody in this family mentions his name anymore or anything that deals with him. It's for our sake but Eric's sanity. "Wait so how are you are uncle?" She asked other question.

"Well technically Cam is our cousin Grandma Mone had a little brother who made cams dad our cool unc Khalil" Emerias said . She nodded understanding and went back on her phone.

"You know who I wished I met ?" Mya said.


"Big cousin Renzo I always here stories of him and he seem like a really cool person" she said smiling. If there was one family member who get talk about the most it would be Renzo he was everybody favorite.

"Yeah that nigga was crazy but he was big on family"

Starting to think of that night. "Have anybody keep in contact with his wife?" I asked. They all shake their head no and I sigh. "No Shy moved  with her fathers family since both her sister, son and husband died" Emerias answered.

"Damn I forgot about that wasn't she dating uncle Nasir?" Cam asked.

"She was but end up sitting him up"

"How ya ass kno?" Brandon ask making his famous face. "Duh my mother told me about it because she was always skeptical that Kyla had her mother sneaky genes and I guess she was right" I said rolling my eyes.

"Don't do AZ she be on it" Bre said taking up for me. I gave her a high five " and that's my god daughter" I said flicking him off. "Ohhhh Og you not supposed to be using that finger" Huncho said making me put my hand down.

"Sorry baby"

"Haha" he smirked.

"Don't forget your staying here tonight smart ass" I mouth to him and he gasp holding his chest like he was hurt. After a while we continued telling old stories till it was late.

Everybody was still in the living room to see where they was going to stay. "Well I'm staying in my old room home, ma daddy you coming?" Jada said walking to the door.

"Wait I'm coming too" Cameron said following behind them. He looked back "we wearing white tomorrow right?" I nodded. "Em looks like we're going shopping tomorrow morning " he smiled walking out I heard Emerias mumble something disrespectful.

Laughing I felt someone tap me. Looking back it was Brit "bitch were is my room ?" I smack my teeth. "You ask that each time you come just to be in the same room like always" she rolled her eye.

"I just want to make sure one day you might use it as storage " she said grabbing her bags walking upstairs. Brandon walked over to me "can yu make bruhfest in the mwanin I luv ya pancakes na" I sigh real loud.

"You lucky it's not just you guys staying here tonight" he smiled kissing my cheek. "Luv ya to Cuzzy " he said running up stairs . I rub his kiss off as Nari and Harmunii walked over to me.

"Yo AZ we're going to stay in Siah house he's out of town with his girl so he said we could stay there" I nodded as they walked out. Locking my door I walked back upstairs and made some rounds before going to my room.

First stop my boys . Knocking on the door I heard a yeah opening the door I saw Twon playing his game while on FT with his friend.

"Night Twon and don't stay up too late I'm making breakfast " he looked back at me. "Sure ma good night love you" I smiled . "Love you too" closing his door I went to Eric's old room.

Knocking I heard little foot steps than the door open. It was Huncho in pjs looking sleepy. "Hi Og you came to say Goodnight?" I nodded picking him up walking towards the bed where Eric and Quan was laying.

"Sup ma you headed in?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah just came to say good night and that I'm making breakfast in the morning " he smiled.

"Your pancakes?"

"Yes "

"Hell yeah I-I mean sound good ma " shaking my head I got up. "Night " they said it back as I closed the door. Last was my girl knocking on her door she open it with her phone in her hand:

"Hi ma came to say night?"

"Mhmmm and I'm making a big breakfast in the morning"

From the floor I heard Bre said yes. Laughing I hugged Mya "Goodnight girls love you "

"Night ma love you"

"Night AZ love you too"

Finally making it to my room I kicked my shoes off and went straight to the shower. I was ready to get clean and sleep since I have to get up early in the morning. Turning on the water I strip once I was naked I check to see if the water was hot enough than I got in.

Thinking about how tomorrow afternoon was going to go I got happy. Snapping me out my thoughts I felt some air and a hand touch my butt. "Hello Mister Sanchez how may I help you?" I asked with my eyes still close.

He chuckled "nothing I came to help you since you've been working so hard all day for the family" I smiled as he kiss down my back. I turn around "help me huh?" I smirked.



"Okay everybody you have your balloons right?" Emerias asked looking around.


"Good remember right any and how many names you want and a little message, once you finished give your marker to Nova" everybody nodded and got to work.

My balloon was for my mother , big cousin Renzo they was the main people in the family that believed in me. After writing my little message I waiting for the last few people.

Once everybody was finished I stand in the front. "You ready Fam?" I asked.

"Yeah "


"Let's get to it"

Smile I turn around. "On the count of three let go and say the word " I said holding SeNine hand.




Our hands let go of the balloons and I tear fall down my face. "Come on y'all boy what's the Fam word?" Brandon said making his face.

We looked at each other getting into a group hug and yelled the one word the family say starting from the first crew.


The end....

The Plug's End : Last chapterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora