Les and Crutchie, Davey and Katherine, Darcy and Bill

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Les and Crutchie finished first. They actually looked at the worn down map before starting, and quickly realized that the path to the other side was actually a straight line through the middle, although it would be easy to get confused with the amount of possible detours. They didn't say anything about the map, and started the maze without telling anyone.

Davey and Katherine finished second. They too found and used the map, quickly noticing and taking the center path as well. 

Darcy and Bill came in third. They had not seen the map, but were smart enough to leave markers on wrong paths and quickly noticed that all paths lead back center, so they figured out that the center path was the way out.

The three pairs had a great time waiting for the others to realize the center path was the way out.

A/N: Most chapter's will be meatier, but knowing the right answer makes for a boring and short chapter. 

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