The man was at least twice, if not three times my size. He was a mountain of a man. And he was fast, especially for someone of his size. He seemed to have no feelings or regard for other people. He was even more a monster than he was a mountain. And I was not about to be another trophy to him and the Lannisters.

"You could get revenge on my family if you won," Tyrion insisted. "By killing one of our strongest soldiers you would be one step closer to taking down my family. And you would at least crush the egos of my sister and father a little."

"I would also be one step closer to ending House Stark if I were to lose," I pointed out. "I am not fighting Tywin Lannister's mad dog. And I am not risking what little freedom I currently have. I am sorry, but I will not be your champion."

I watched as all hope left Tyrion's eyes. It was clear he was feeling defeated now that even his last hope had rejected him. He had no one left to turn to and it was not even his own fault.

Tyrion was definitely the kindest of the Lannisters. He is the only one who has not wronged my family or even tried to. He has even been kind to Sansa and not forced her to consummate their marriage. He has expressed deep sorrow for Joffrey murdering my father and his father having the murder of my family and my men arranged at the Red Wedding. He was the only Lannister I would hesitate to kill.

That was the key to finding someone to help: Tyrion was the only Lannister anyone with morals would hesitate to kill. And there are plenty of people out there who want to see House Lannister fall.

"I cannot promise anything, but I do know someone who may want to help," I said. I turned around but quickly glanced back at Tyrion to say, "Thank you for taking care of my sister. Good luck."


Walking into the brothel, I was torn between being happy to get away from the smell and sounds of King's Landing and the feeling of discomfort I got from entering such an establishment. 

It was not that I did not understand why women worked at a place like this. It just made me uncomfortable to see so many naked women and to risk coming across a well-known lord. And it made me sad to know that some women have no other choice than this. But this is the life that we live.

After asking for a specific person and receiving an eyebrow raise before an actual answer, I was led to the back of the brothel. I knew enough to know that the rooms in back was where the most important people would go. I also knew that it meant that if I was wrong, I was about to be embarrassed by coming across a well-known lord.

When I entered the room, I saw Oberyn Martell, his paramour Ellaria Sand and three naked women. I was not shocked to see them naked. I was expecting it, actually. But I was shocked to see Daemon with them.

The second I saw Daemon was naked I felt my face heat up and I looked away. It was even worse to hear him continue to moan for a few seconds before anyone realised I was there. Then, probably to embarrass and fluster me even more, Daemon really had the audacity to laugh at me.

"Daemon, put some pants on!" I yelled.

His pants were near me, so I picked them up and threw them in his general direction. I refused to look over in that general direction until I was sure Daemon had those pants on. I was not about to see him naked.

"You can look now," Daemon said.

I hesitated for a second before looking in the direction of Daemon, Oberyn and Ellaria. Thankfully, Elia now had a cloak on and both Daemon and Oberyn had put pants on. It made me a lot less uncomfortable to see everyone somewhat clothed.

"Lady Stark, have you come to join?" Oberyn asked, clearly trying to get some sort of reaction from me. "Or merely to interrupt? Either way, you are more than welcome to join."

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