xlviii. Different Places

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As Daemon, Lucien and I stepped into the building that Daemon led us to, my initial judgement of the dodgy-looking place changed. It was clear that someone with quite a substantial amount of wealth owned this... establishment. It was also clearly well looked-after with the finest furniture and lamps in view from the entrance.

Everything was made from mahogany, weirwood or expensive metals. The front desk was a beautifully carved piece of weirwood, with a golden lamp sitting on it. Around the room were other golden lamps, as well as ones made of different colored stain glass. All of the different colours danced around the room and were almost entrancing.

Despite its extravagant decor, we had clearly stepped foot inside a brothel. There were a few half-naked women dancing, a group of men drinking while being entertained by one of the women, and the smell of sex in the air. It made me wonder what was going through Daemon's mind when he decided we should hide here.

Both Lucien and I gave Daemon a pointed look. He just smirked while looking around, seemingly unfazed by our reactions. 

Lucien, on the other hand, kept his eyes on the ground. I could not tell if it was because he wanted to be respectful or if it was because he was uncomfortable. Possibly both.

"The city guards will not look for us here," Daemon reassured. "And we are free to share our status. This is owned by Littlefinger."

"Just the person I do not want knowing I am here," I muttered.

Before I could insist that we were not staying, a handsome young man with sharp features, blonde hair and bright blue eyes walked up to us. He smiled at the three of us, but his eyes lingered on Daemon for a few seconds longer than they did on Lucien and I. It was clear that they had met before.

Once the man's eyes had left Daemon, they came back to me. It was hard to deny the man's easy beauty and even I found it difficult to not momentarily be distracted by his beauty. However, I am not just any woman that has walked into a brothel. I am the head of House Stark. A house known for honour and whose members would not be expected in a brothel.

"You must be Lady Stark," the man said. "No need to worry about anyone finding out you are here. We cater to a number of people who need their presence kept secret." He paused for a second before introducing himself, "I am Olyvar, the person in charge of this brothel."

"At least we are calling it what it is," I responded, my voice coming out colder than I wanted it to.

"We are hiding from the city guards," Daemon confessed, drawing a concerned look from Lucien and a frustrated sigh from myself. "I was hoping I would be able to hide in private... With you. I have the money to cover the expense, of course. And for whatever Lucien and Lady Stark wish."

Did Daemon intend to bring us here the whole time? Or was it just an opportunity he was going to take advantage of whether Lucien and I were comfortable with it or not?

Either way, he was beginning to annoy me.

First, he convinces us to come out here. Then we get into a bar fight and get dragged out instead of just revealing ourselves to the city guards, which we could have done with the only consequence being us sent home and a few whispers he could squash himself. Then he drags us to a fucking brothel, of all places, and reveals who we are and why we are here in the first place.

Daemon turned to face Lucien and I and I could tell he knew I was not happy. I did not even have to look at Lucien to tell that he was annoyed with the situation as well. How could we not be? This all seemed to be a game to Daemon.

It reminded me of when we met when we were younger. Everything was fun and games and impulse to Daemon then. I was not unconvinced tonight was not the same.

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